British Woman Shares First Date 'Horror Story'

Lauren Crouch says her bosses call her the modern-day Bridget Jones.

ByABC News
November 13, 2015, 6:03 PM
Lauren Crouch, 28, runs the Tumblr account "No Bad Dates Just Good Stories."
Lauren Crouch, 28, runs the Tumblr account "No Bad Dates Just Good Stories."
Lauren Crouch

— -- Lauren Crouch of Islington, U.K., had had a lot of bad dates.

Crouch, 28, is the mastermind behind the blog "No Bad Dates Just Good Stories,” which chronicles the content manager’s experiences as she navigates through dating life.

Crouch told ABC News that she has been running her blog for about a year, and that her bosses now refer to her as the “modern day Bridget Jones” because of her truthful posts about love, heartbreak and everything in between.

Lauren Crouch, 28, runs the Tumblr account "No Bad Dates Just Good Stories."

Crouch revealed that she has had had many awkward first dates in the past, recounting one time when a guy she was on a date with accidentally texted her how the date was going (he meant to send the text to his friends), as well as another incident where a man sexually propositioned her in an alleyway after their date.

Crouch's latest blog post about a recent dating disaster is going viral, because people can't believe how her date treated her during and after the date.

In a post titled, #OCADOANDCHILL, Crouch posts screenshots of texts from a recent date with a man she met on dating app Tinder. It didn't go well at all, to put it nicely.

"So my first foray back into dating and it lasts a total of 32 minutes and ends with the most alarming text message I’ve ever received," wrote Crouch.

Crouch explained that she was already a little put off after the unnamed man dictated that their "date" would be at Costa coffee, but decided to give him a chance, with the hope that they would have a nice time.

"I couldn't believe I put on heels and makeup to go to a chain coffee house, but to each their own," said Crouch. "I thought, you know if he’s a really nice guy it doesn’t matter where you are, you’re going to get on."

Crouch then described how the date ended abruptly when the man announced he needed to get home so he could pick up a delivery.

The man later texted Crouch to set up another date, but Crouch explained that she didn't feel enough chemistry to warrant going on a second date with the man. That's when things took an unexpected turn.

According to Crouch, the man asked her to refund him the money he spent on her coffee when she wouldn't say yes to a second date. He even went as far as to provide Crouch with his bank account information so she could transfer him the money.

Lauren Crouch, 28, runs the Tumblr account "No Bad Dates Just Good Stories."

As the texts show, Crouch tried to find an alternative to paying the date back for the coffee, but the man was insistent on getting his money back.

Lauren Crouch, 28, runs the Tumblr account "No Bad Dates Just Good Stories."
Lauren Crouch, 28, runs the Tumblr account "No Bad Dates Just Good Stories."

Crouch said she did not reply to the man after he provided his bank account information, and that she blocked the man's phone number as well as his Tinder profile.

The blogger said that while she never thought that her post would receive this much attention, she’s glad that she shared her experience online, because she’s received supportive feedback from men and women around the world.

"I've gotten messages from other people who say 'so glad to read your blog and to know I’m not the only one having bad luck,'" said Crouch.

"It's nice because that's one of the reasons I started the blog in the first place, to show people that bad things happen and it’s no reflection on you," she said.