California Man Who Builds Houses for Homeless Shares Video After Homeless Woman Dies

Summers shared a video on his Facebook after a local homeless woman died.

ByABC News
December 4, 2015, 10:43 AM
Elvis Summers of Los Angeles, California began building tiny houses for the homeless in May 2015.
Elvis Summers of Los Angeles, California began building tiny houses for the homeless in May 2015.
Courtesy Elvis Summers

— -- A California man who has been building tiny houses for the homeless has dedicated a video to a local homeless woman who has died.

"Linda was homeless and she went to sleep one night and never woke up," Elvis Summers, who lives in Los Angeles, told ABC News. "When I learned she passed, I remembered she asked me for a house. I knew it wasn't my fault, but I [thought] 'Was the cold a final factor? If I had gotten her a house would she have passed away?'"

Summers said he's built dozens of homes and has over 20 homeless people on his waiting list for shelter.

Summers, 38, began building homes for the homeless in late April. The first one was for a woman named Irene "Smokie" McGee, 60, who had been living outdoors for 10 years.

"I asked her, 'What would you think if I built you a mini house?' and I think she thought I was crazy," Summers told ABC News in May. "I saw online that people were building these tiny homes. I had done construction before, so figured 'That’s easy - I could do that.'"

Summers then purchased $500 worth of materials for McGee's temporary home, which he completed in just five days.

Summers said it takes him three to five days to complete one home.

Since then, Summers has built dozens of miniature houses for people in his area.

"I want to work harder," he added. "[I'll build] as many as it takes."

Summers said he currently has a list of over 20 homeless people waiting to "get sheltered" on his project's website

The homes are built with carpet, two windows, solar-powered lights and a door that locks.

"There's so much more to lifting a person up -- that’s why I make them look like real houses," he said. "I go as far as putting addresses on them. They are just a bunch of numbers and you can make up the street name, but it's still yours."

Summers said he's started a new GoFundMe page to help cover the costs of his project growth. Next weekend he is hosting a "public build" where he and members of the community will build 10 tiny houses in just two days.

"We are all human beings," he said. "Regardless what their story is everyone has a story. Even the ones who don’t want help still deserve some kind of shelter."