Zero-Calorie Chocolate Could Be Coming Soon

We may be in the midst of a zero-calorie chocolate revolution.

ByABC News
June 6, 2014, 11:16 AM
There is currently a Kickstarted for Cravings, a zero-calorie "chocolate."
There is currently a Kickstarted for Cravings, a zero-calorie "chocolate."
Courtesy Ian Goldfarb

June 6, 2014 -- We may be in the midst of a chocolate revolution -– a zero-calorie chocolate revolution.

One enterprising chocolate lover has hacked the Listerine-making process and infused it with the flavor of milk chocolate for a no calorie and no sugar result.

Ian Goldfarb, a digital producer for an advertising agency in Los Angeles, came up with the idea after unhappily binge-eating.

"It’s an issue I’ve always had –- cravings -– you always want food. I try to diet and exercise, but at the end of the day I always want chocolate and you can’t get away from it,” he explained. “I was one day driving home and was, as usual, upset that I overate. I put a Listerine strip in my mouth, and I was like, ‘Why don’t they just make these in other flavors?’”

It was an “a-ha” moment for Goldfarb, 27, who does not have a chemistry background. He was able to follow online recipes to try the process at home and eventually settled on something that actually resembled the real thing.

“I was able to create a simple version, but it was less than perfect. However, adding the flavor did work particularly well and it tasted like chocolate,” Goldfarb said. “So it’s a proven concept! And I want to take it to the next level.”

Ian Goldfarb is behind zero-calorie chocolate.

In order to do that and consistently mass-produce the product, Goldfarb needs $40,000, and he turned to Kickstarter to raise that money.

“I already have a manufacturer on board, so they’ve been waiting for me to get the funding together,” he said. “Everything would be done within a six-month period. I have the packaging mostly designed. If I had a sponsor this would be amazing.”

If chocolate gets made, Goldfarb said the possibilities are endless, and there could be pizza, hamburger, French fries, popcorn and other dessert strips in your future.

“They can in fact infuse any flavor they want into dissolvable film, and I’m surprised larger companies haven’t done this,” he said. “But the biggest benefit of chocolate is texture and the feeling of that dissolving in your mouth, so it kind of worked with this."