Dad Tells Other Fathers, 'Respect the Mother of Your Child' in Viral Facebook Post

Tony Emms' Facebook tribute to his fiance has been liked more than 42,000 times.

ByABC News
February 8, 2016, 3:51 PM
Tony Emms thanked his fiance, Charlotte Sperry, for all she does for their 9-month-old son in a Facebook post that has gone viral.
Tony Emms thanked his fiance, Charlotte Sperry, for all she does for their 9-month-old son in a Facebook post that has gone viral.
Tony Emms/Facebook

— -- A U.K. dad’s advice to fellow dads “respect the mother of your child” has gone viral after being posted in a Facebook tribute to the mother of his 9-month-old son.

Tony Emms, of Cresswell Northumberland, in the U.K., posted on Facebook last month a photo of his fiancé, Charlotte Sperry, sleeping next to the couple’s 9-month-old son.

Along with the photo, Emms included a long description of all the things he says Sperry does for their child and household.

Tony Emms thanked his fiance, Charlotte Sperry, for all she does for their 9-month-old son in a Facebook post that has gone viral.
Tony Emms/Facebook

“I sometimes don't give this woman the credit she is due, when I come from work she is always "tired" now it's me who has been at work doing stuff all day, but lately I've been thinking what this amazing woman does while I'm out..surely she just sits with the baby and watches TV and has a chilled day right? NO is the answer, when I leave for work she fears woken up by me and has to Spring straight in to action to get up and get her self sorted for the hectic day she gets up baby is kicking off cause he is hungry but so is she, she doesn't eat but baby does..then sits and plays with him, then changed a disgusting nappy, then plays again, he falls asleep..brilliant mummy can have a nap, no she doesn't she does the washing, cleans up baby's toys and starts washing the pots from the night wakes up and is hungry mummy hasn't had breakfast but she still doesn't eat she gets baby set for his lunch, after his lunch he then wants attention and plays...remember mummy still hasn't eaten..all the cleaning she done earlier is now time wasted as baby's toys are everywhere..I come home from working and get annoyed that o have to tidy up and say mummy hasn't done anything yet she has worked her ass of all day to make sure the baby is healthy and happy...if any other daddy's out there feel like me think about what you've done and what mummy has done. Respect the mother of your child. She is a special type of human that has given up everything to bring up your baby. I truly love my 2 sleeping baby's and they both deserve their rest,” he wrote.

Emms’ Facebook post has since been liked more than 42,000 times and shared more than 14,000 times.

“I think my post had the reaction it did because it made other people realize just what mothers do,” Emms told ABC News by email.

Emms said his job schedule is such that he spends more time at home in the winter, and that being home with his family put Sperry’s role into perspective.

“Having done this [staying home] it reflected to me just how much my partner has to do during the day,” Emms told ABC News. “I literally posted the status just as my way of apologising and making it aware to any other daddys on my friends list just how much mummies do.”