Egg Cat Mold Raises Nearly 7-Times Its Goal on Kickstarter

The cat-shaped mold is, "guaranteed to make your sunny side up eggs Purrfect."

ByABC News
September 24, 2015, 11:47 AM
Cat egg molds are shown from the Kickstarter page by Egg Addiction titled: "Sunny Side Up - Egg Addiction Molds."
Cat egg molds are shown from the Kickstarter page by Egg Addiction titled: "Sunny Side Up - Egg Addiction Molds."

— -- A California-based blogger has hit Kickstarter gold with, of all things, an egg mold in the shape of a cat.

The Cat Egg Mold by Egg Addiction has raised nearly $35,000 in funding on the crowd-funding website, blowing way past its $5,000 goal, with 49 days still to go.

Cat egg molds are shown from the Kickstarter page by Egg Addiction titled: "Sunny Side Up - Egg Addiction Molds.”

The cat-shaped mold was created by Cindy Ho, the 29-year-old blogger behind, a website all about eggs – how to cook them and recipes in which to use them.

Ho told ABC News she left a career in banking to pursue her passion of cooking and started five months ago.

The Cat Egg Mold, which Ho was inspired to make after traveling through Asia, can be put right into a frying pan and, using two eggs, the yolks become the cat’s eyes and the egg whites its face.

A pledge of $12 on Kickstarter will get you an “early bird” delivery of the Cat Egg Mold, but act fast. That level donation is nearly sold out, with only 57 out of 600 preorders remaining.