Little girl has meltdown after finding out she's getting a baby brother

“I wanted it to be a girl!” she wails in the video.

ByABC News
September 27, 2017, 1:17 PM

— -- Little Daisy Martin is having a tough time with her mommy’s exciting baby news.

When the 3-year-old from Cardiff, Wales, found out she was getting a brother instead of a sister, she went into absolute meltdown mode.

“I wanted it to be a girl!” she wails in the viral video her mom, Siobhan O'Brien, posted to social media.

Daisy, a 3-year-old from Cardiff, Wales, broke down in tears at the news her mom is having a boy, crying, "I wanted a girl."

“Aw, but having a brother is going to be so much fun,” O’Brien tries to reassure her before reading a note she and her husband had written in the voice of their unborn son.

“Daisy, I can’t wait to meet you. Love from your little brother,” the note said.

But not even the candies inside the note are enough to soothe Daisy.

“I want a sister!” Daisy continues crying aloud.

“We really didn't expect such an intense reaction from her,” O’Brien, 35, wrote to ABC News. “Our plan was to video her finding out if she was having a little brother or sister following the 20-week scan last week. When we had talked about the baby being a boy or a girl she would say she thought it would be a girl, but we never expected such a strong reaction. We were surprised and amused by her!”

Daisy, a 3-year-old from Cardiff, Wales, broke down in tears at the news her mom is having a boy.
Siobhan O'Brien

O’Brien is due on Feb. 18, 2018, and the proud mom said her little girl is already warming up to the idea of a brother.

“She hasn't had any more tears about it,” said O’Brien. “Although she has made a few comments about hoping mummy will have another baby and it will be a girl.”