Kind Stranger Puts Fellow Passenger's Baby to Sleep Midflight

The photo of baby Luke and the passenger has been shared over 95,000 times.

ByABC News
September 9, 2016, 12:59 PM

— -- A touching photo of a stranger soothing an airline passenger's crying baby is receiving lots of love around the globe.

Monica Nelson of Georgia was aboard a flight to Minneapolis with her 20-month-old son Luke. When Luke would not stop crying, a fellow passenger came over to help calm the baby.

"From the very beginning of the flight, the kind gentleman next to me kept Luke entertained and laughing the whole time," Nelson wrote to ABC News in an email.

Mom Monica Nelson of of Georgia was aboard a flight to Minneapolis with her crying son Luke, 20 months, when a fellow passenger came over to calm the toddler down. Another passenger, Andrea Byrd, snapped the photo and shared it on Facebook.
Courtesy Monica Nelson

The man, whose first name is Reid, told Nelson that he had two children of his own, she said. He then walked with Luke for 15 minutes down the aisle until he was sound asleep.

"I was truly grateful and couldn't have asked for more if my own husband was sitting next to me," Nelson said.

Another passenger, Andrea Byrd, snapped the photo and shared it on Facebook, where it received over 95,000 shares.

Byrd had been flying with her eldest son when she witnessed Reid comforting Nelson's baby.

"It really tugged on my heart strings because my son had just lost his father," Byrd told ABC News. "It was so good to see this and I had never seen anything like this before. It just reaffirmed that everything would be OK. That's when I snapped the picture. It was a beautiful moment on the plane."