Malamute finds her way to doggy day care center after getting loose in Chicago
Izabella ran inside the Canine Social Club as soon as the doors opened.
— -- The Windy City blew in an unexpected guest at a local doggy day care center.
Izabella, a 15-month-old Alaskan malamute, was on an early morning walk with her owner, Linda Zimmer, on Tuesday in Chicagowhen the dog slipped out of her walking harness and made a run for it.

"It was very windy here, so I think that made her really skittish," Zimmer told ABC News. "I could keep an eye on her for a little bit, but all of a sudden I lost sight of her. I was petrified. I didn't know what was going to happen to her," she said.
It turned out that Izabella trekked nearly 2 miles to the Canine Social Club, her doggy day care center, safely passing multiple four-lane high-traffic streets, according to the center's owners.

"Our staffer Stephanie called to inform Linda that Izabella made it here at about 6:45 a.m. as another client was dropping off their dog for day care," Canine Social Club co-owner Randall Fetcho told ABC News. "Izabella ran right inside when the door opened, and our staff recognized her despite missing her collar and harness."
Izabella has been going to the doggy day care center four days a week for about three months, Zimmer said, but she was still very impressed that the dog made it on her own unscathed.
"When Stephanie called me and said, 'Izabella's here,' my heart just was like, 'Oh, my God, thank God she's safe,'" Zimmer said. "I couldn't believe it. It was just such a relief that she was safe."

Day care center co-owner Samir Alsaraf said another client's dog found its way to their door a few years back after getting loose from a backyard.
"We're so glad that she made it safe, and that's just the best compliment for a dog to come to our door," Alsaraf said.
The staff gave Izabella a gourmet meal and put her into the play area with other dogs until Zimmer picked her up after work.
Both Canine Social Club owners said they have devoted their efforts to making it a place that caters to each dog and "get to know all about them and make them as happy as we can."