Mom Mourning Infant Daughter Thanks Fairy Godmother for Showing Kindness

"You helped me feel her spirit," she said.

ByABC News
March 25, 2016, 3:25 PM
Janice Murphy, 25, of Fort Meade, Maryland was touched by her encounter with the 'Fairy Godmother' at Disney World in Orlando, Florida on March 14.
Janice Murphy, 25, of Fort Meade, Maryland was touched by her encounter with the 'Fairy Godmother' at Disney World in Orlando, Florida on March 14.
Janice Murphy

— -- A Maryland mom penned a touching letter to the "Fairy Godmother" character at Walt Disney World for showing her kindness after the recent death of her baby girl.

"I did feel very touched," Janice Murphy of Fort Meade, Maryland, told ABC News. "The care that she showed and the compassion for the situation that I was in, it moved me and it meant a lot."

On March 21, Murphy, 25, posted a letter on her Facebook page with the title "To the Fairy Godmother I didn't know I needed." It has received over 31,000 likes.

It read, in part:...I was smiling but you didn't know I spent 10 minutes in tears over the things my daughter will never experience. You had no idea what that purple teddy bear represents to me.

...And when you found out that my daughter died, and that her ashes are within the bear, you treated her the same way you treat every child that comes to see you every single day: with love, compassion and kindness. When you hugged her, and kissed her cheek, you made me feel like Analiese mattered to you.

You may not ever see this, and even if you do, you may not remember us. But I will always remember you, and how you hugged and loved on my daughter as if she was like any other child. You helped me feel her spirit in a place she was never able to visit while alive.

Thank you thank you thank you.

Love, Analiese's mommy.

Murphy said she was in the second trimester of her pregnancy when doctors diagnosed her unborn daughter Analiese with trisomy 10q--a rare chromosomal disorder that was causing problems with her heart, brain and kidneys.

"She was entirely too small and she was about two weeks behind," Murphy said. "They didn't believe that she would make it to husband and I discussed it and decided we wanted to continue the pregnancy as long as possible. We continued to go back [to the doctor] every week, and every week my doctor was shocked that she had a heartbeat."

Analiese was born on Feb. 11 at 10:29 p.m. but died shortly after.

"There's some okay days and some really not okay days," Murphy said. "It varies moment to moment. I haven't gone back to work yet, but I've been staying in contact with the friends that I've made that have also lost children and they've been a great support system."

Murphy photographed during her pregnancy.
Janice Murphy

On March 14, Murphy visited Walt Disney World by herself while her husband Stefan was on a business trip in Orlando.

When she noticed the Fairy Godmother was doing a meet-and-greet with park guests, she decided to approach her with Analiese's teddy bear in tow.

"I walk up and pretty much the first thing she said was, 'Who do we have here?' and I responded with, 'My daughter,'" Murphy recalled. "I explained that she had passed away and I had her ashes inside the bear and she said 'Oh, I'm so sorry' and then she asked me if she could give her a hug."

Murphy said the Fairy Godmother then took out an index card and signed her autograph, writing: "To Sweet Analiese."

Murphy's daughter Analiese died the day she was born on February 11.
Janice Murphy

"People are taking the time to message me directly and tell me how sorry they are and it's been incredible," Murphy said. "I didn't expect it to go viral and it has and now people all over the world know her name."

The Walt Disney Co. is the parent company of ABC News.