Mom sounds off on why she doesn't always respond to text messages
It's struck a chord with others who feel "shackled by technology."
— -- Tiffany Jenkins has a message for the friend who wants to know why she didn't respond immediately to her text message.
"Because I don't have to," she said.
It's that simple, according to Jenkins, who manages the blog and Facebook page Juggling the Jenkins.
The video, Jenkins told ABC News, has struck a chord with others who also feel "shackled by technology."
"People feel an immense pressure to be available, at all times," the Sarasota mom of three said. "We are all at different stages in life and it isn't always possible to respond immediately. And I don't think it makes you a bad person for handling the real life things that are currently in front of you before answering the jingle of your notifications the moment they go off."
The video has been shared almost 15,000 times so far.
"Just because phones make it possible for people to connect with us anytime, anywhere, Jenkins said, "doesn't mean we are required to."