Mom Turns 9-Month-Old Daughter Into Adorable Elf on the Shelf

Gabi Cope shared photographs of her daughter as an elf on Facebook.

ByABC News
December 16, 2016, 3:03 PM

— -- A California mom transformed her 9-month-old daughter into "The Elf on the Shelf," giving her a matching outfit and photographing her in the types of mischievous scenarios in which kids find their own elves in the days before Christmas.

Gabi Cope, 22, of San Diego, also gave her daughter, Esme, a fitting name in the photos, calling her “Esme on the Shelf.”

Cope, a professional photographer, said she was inspired to photograph Esme as an elf because people have said that she "lights up a room."

"We thought dressing her up as 'Esme on the Shelf' would spread that light and cheer with others," Cope told ABC News by email.

Gabi Cope, of California, photographed her 9-month-old daughter, Esme, as "Esme on the Shelf."
Gabi Cope Photography

Esme made her “grand entrance” in a small hot air balloon-like basket suspended by two red balloons. Cope, who shared the photos on on Facebook, said she would take photos of Esme after she had napped and eaten to ensure she would be in a great mood.

Cope, who was assisted by her husband, Chad, also purchased two different elf outfits for Esme to accommodate the daily picture schedule. "The Elf on the Shelf" tradition is that the elf is one of Santa's scouts who finds itself in a new location in its family's home each day after reporting to Santa Clause in the North Pole each night.

"She typically enjoys it but the hat is not her favorite," Cope wrote of Esme. "She now knows how to yank it off so we wait to put that on until we are ready to snap the picture."

Some of the mischievous scenarios Esme found herself in: being entangled in Christmas lights; eating spaghetti straight from a bowl; caught in a pile of toilet paper; and baking cookies for Santa on a counter top.

Gabi Cope, of California, photographed her 9-month-old daughter, Esme, as "Esme on the Shelf."
Gabi Cope Photography

"My favorite is probably the spaghetti and syrup picture," Cope wrote. "It was so much fun to photograph and even more fun watching her literally stuff her face with food."

Cope shared her photography tips for other parents who want to get creative with their own babies.

"Just have fun," Cope wrote. "If they aren't loving the pose you have in mind, have an easy plan B."

In case of am emergency? Snacks.

"Sometimes it takes a bit to set things up the way we want them to look, but giving Esme snacks while we figure it out keeps her happy," Cope said.

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