News anchor's 'I'm done' post sparks flurry of female support
It took more than 30 years to stop caring what others think.

— -- A local news anchor decided to share her realization about her self-worth with the world this week, and it turns out, many others revealed they feel the same way.
In a Facebook post from Monday that's been liked thousands of times, Illinois-based broadcaster Stacey Skrysak started off her post with a simple phrase: "I'm done."
"It’s taken me 30+ years, but I am done caring what other people think of me,” she went on to write.
“I’ve been called beautiful; I’ve been called ugly. I’ve been called fat and I’ve been called skinny. I’ve been criticized for the way I sound and for the things I say. People have used every word in the dictionary at some point in my life, but I am done worrying about what someone might think of me," she wrote.
Skrysak told ABC News the revelation came to her at work, and she put it online quickly.
”I honestly wrote this up in less than 10 minutes in between newscasts," Skrysak said. "I had been feeling sluggish last night, so I found myself in need of that reminder. The criticism is all over the internet, and of course the media. Women are held up to a certain standard in so much of life, and I kept seeing social media posts of women lacking that self-confidence. That’s why I shared."
Skrysak is the mother to one surviving triplet. Her other two children died two months after they were born premature.
Her daughter, now 4, is a key reason that Skrysak is "done."
"I want to be a role model, and it starts with finding the beauty and love within yourself," she told ABC News. "Life has been far from perfect for my family, and we’ve gone through so much together. But these days I am truly happy. And you can see that smile in my eyes, life is good."
If she has any regrets, it's only how long it took her to come to this point, she says.
"I wish I had this confidence 10-20 years ago," she said. "It wasn’t until I reached my 30s, and then had children that I realized what is truly important in life. It isn’t the superficial things, it’s family and friends and loving yourself."
The hundreds of comments on her post echoed similar sentiments from readers online.
"I'm 73, and it took me until I was 69 to discover this! I wear shorts and spandex and yes I have thunder thighs and grandma arms but who cares, I am loving life and love who I have become, wrinkles and all!" one supporter wrote.
"Everyone should read your post. It is a wake-up call to so many of us. Thank you for sharing," wrote another reader.
"They need this reminder," Skrysak said of the strong reactions to her post. “So many of us look in a mirror and don’t like what we see. We are our own worst critic. Letting go and accepting and embracing who I am makes me so much more beautiful on the inside."