Office cat collects money for homeless by snatching from passers-by

Locals offer dollar bills to the feline through the door of the building.

ByABC News
September 14, 2017, 12:13 PM

— -- A rescue cat has been raising money for homeless people from the office building where he lives.

The feline, named Sir Whines a Lot, snatches dollar bills from locals who offer money through a slot in the door of GuRuStu, a marketing firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

When the cat's owner, Stuart McDaniel, learned locals were using cash to play with him, he and his colleagues decided to use it for a good cause. McDaniel also owns GuRuStu, which is a family business.

PHOTO: Sir Whines A Lot, also known as the "Cashnip Kitty," snatches dollar bills from locals who offer the money through the slot on the door of GuRuStu, a full service marketing firm in Tulsa, Okla.
Sir Whines A Lot, also known as the "Cashnip Kitty," snatches dollar bills from locals who offer the money through the slot on the door of GuRuStu, a full service marketing firm in Tulsa, Okla. Workers at the company then send the donations to The Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless.
Stuart McDaniel

"I get a call from my dad saying, 'Why is there money on the floor at the office? There's at least $5 on the floor near the glass, where you can slip it through,'" McDaniel recalled. "My mom and sister [and I], we figured if people are doing it already we might as well apply it for something good in the community."

PHOTO: Sir Whines A Lot, also known as the "Cashnip Kitty," snatches dollar bills from locals who offer the money through the slot on the door of GuRuStu, a full service marketing firm in Tulsa, Okla.
Sir Whines A Lot, also known as the "Cashnip Kitty," snatches dollar bills from locals who offer the money through the slot on the door of GuRuStu, a full service marketing firm in Tulsa, Okla. Workers at the company then send the donations to The Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless.
Stuart McDaniel

McDaniel said he does not know who the person was that slipped the first dollar bill through the door, but they've started a movement. Soon, McDaniel and his firm published funny videos from locals offering money to Sir Whines a Lot, who's been nicknamed "Cashnip Kitty," on their company Facebook page.

They also posted a sign on the door that reads: "Warning: Cashnip Kitty is a hustler with a philanthropic heart. He will snatch your money!" The sign also shares how all donations are sent to the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless.

Sir Whines a Lot rakes in about $30 to $40 per weekend, McDaniel said. So far, McDaniel has sent two checks totaling over $100 to the Tulsa Day Center.

PHOTO: Sir Whines A Lot, also known as the "Cashnip Kitty," snatches dollar bills from locals who offer the money through the slot on the door of GuRuStu, a full service marketing firm in Tulsa, Okla.
Sir Whines A Lot, also known as the "Cashnip Kitty," snatches dollar bills from locals who offer the money through the slot on the door of GuRuStu, a full service marketing firm in Tulsa, Okla. Workers at the company then send the donations to The Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless.
Stuart McDaniel

"I've heard of a lot of unique ways people are raising money for us, but this is a first for me and I absolutely love it," said Monica Martin, director of development at the center. "The cat seems to be loving the attention and it has been benefiting and blessing us in the process."

McDaniel said a third check is on its way to the day center, totaling over $50.