Pilot Makes Daughter Laugh Hysterically With Aerobatics

Raphael Langumier took his 4-year-old daughter on her first aerobatic ride.

ByABC News
June 18, 2015, 10:54 AM

— -- Flying in a plane with your dad as the pilot is pretty cool, but flying in a plane piloted by your dad doing flips and aerobatics is even cooler, and for one Canadian child, hysterical.

Lea, 4, proved that fearless genes run in the family when she joined her father, Quebec-based pilot Raphael Langumier, last Sunday for her first-ever aerobatics flight.

“She asked me to go in flight and do inverted things. So, we discussed, review the figures and went to fly ;),” Languimer, a pilot with over 8,000 flight hours, wrote on YouTube.

Instead of getting scared, Lea, wearing bright pink headphones, can be seen in the YouTube video laughing hysterically as her dad does more tricks.

Take a look at the full video below.