Utah Co-Workers Collectively Lose Over 500 Pounds

Co-workers at a health food company met their New Year's resolution early.

ByABC News
December 15, 2015, 9:45 AM

— -- A Utah company got a head-start on its New Year's resolution by challenging the entire staff in June to get fit. They’ve collectively dropped 500 pounds, and counting.

Sunwarrior, a health food company in St. George, Utah, launched its first-ever ambassador challenge where two employees will have the opportunity to become the face or the body of their brand.

“It’s a great opportunity to create a culture for a company that puts a high value on health," Sunwarrior CEO Russ Crosby told "Good Morning America."

The company-wide competition kicked off in June with SUNWARRIOR employees meeting one-on-one with trainers and nutritionists to discuss future goals.

Now, six months later, the results are paying off with a number of co-workers losing over 30 pounds and the entire workforce losing nearly 512 pounds, total.

The two winners of the ambassador challenge will be announced in March.