These 3 vegetable dishes from Jamie Oliver will have everyone asking for second servings

Even veggie-haters will love these delicious dishes.

ByThe View
January 8, 2020, 11:45 AM

Excerpted ULTIMATE VEG: Easy & Delicious Meals for Everyone by Jamie Oliver. Copyright © 2019 by Jamie Oliver. Reprinted with permission from Flatiron Books. All rights reserved.

Orange & Thyme Syrup, Tahini & Harissa Ripples Yogurt
Recipe Courtesy of “Ultimate Veg”
Serves 6 | 50 minutes plus cooling

• 12 baby carrots
• 3 oranges
• 3 fresh bay leaves
• 3 sprigs of fresh thyme
• 4 sheets of phyllo pastry
• Olive oil
• Liquid honey
• 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
• 1 tablespoon tahini
• 2 teaspoons rose harissa
• 6 tablespoons plain yogurt

Directions1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Scrub the carrots, then cook in a pan of fast-boiling salted water for 10 minutes, or until just tender, then drain. Finely grate half the orange zest into the empty pan and squeeze in all the juice. Place on a medium heat, add the bay, thyme and a good pinch of sea salt, then cook until syrupy, folding the carrots back into the glaze to coat. Leave to cool.
2. One by one, lay out the phyllo sheets, rub with oil, then cut lengthways into 3 strips. Place a carrot at the bottom of each and roll up like a cigar, squeezing lightly to seal (don’t worry about being too neat). Repeat with the remaining carrots and phyllo, placing them on a baking sheet as you go. Brush each lightly with oil, then roast for 20 minutes, or until lightly golden and crisp, drizzling with a little honey and scattering with the sesame seeds for the last 5 minutes.
3. Stack the carrots on a board, scattering over any sesame seeds left on the pan, then swirl the tahini and harissa through the yogurt and serve alongside.
People love this as a nibble, starter or side, and are always surprised if you use different colored heirloom carrots—pink, purple, yellow…whatever you like.

Leek, Broccolini & Spinach, Toasted Almond Topping
Recipe Courtesy of “Ultimate Veg”
Serves 6 | 1 hour

• 1 large leek
• 3 cloves of garlic
• 14 oz broccolini
• 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
• ½ a bunch of fresh thyme (½ oz)
• 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
• 4 cups reduced-fat (2%) milk
• 16 oz dried macaroni
• 1 oz Parmesan cheese
• 5 oz sharp Cheddar cheese
• 3½ oz baby spinach
• 1¾ oz flaked almonds

Directions1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Trim, halve and wash the leek and peel the garlic, then finely slice with the broccolini stalks, reserving the florets for later. Place the sliced veg in a large casserole pan over a medium heat with the butter, then strip in the thyme leaves and cook for 15 minutes, or until softened, stirring regularly. Stir in the flour, followed slowly by the milk, then simmer for 10 minutes, or until thickened, stirring regularly. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water for 5 minutes, then drain.
2. Grate the Parmesan and most of the cheddar into the sauce, and mix well. Tip into a blender, add the spinach and whiz until smooth – you may need to work in batches. Season to perfection with sea salt and black pepper, then stir through the pasta and broccolini florets, loosening with a splash of milk, if needed. Transfer to a 14- x 10-inch baking dish, grate over the remaining cheddar and scatter over the almonds. Bake for 30 minutes, or until beautifully golden and bubbling.
3. Swap spinach out for any kind of exciting fresh or frozen greens, discarding any tough stalks. You can add breadcrumbs to the top for bonus crunch. Tasty!

Spiced Potato, Mango & Pomegranate Chutney, Mint Yogurt & Sprinkles
Recipe Courtesy of “Ultimate Veg”
Serves 4 | 35 minutes

• 14 oz potatoes
• 14 oz sweet potatoes
• 3 cloves of garlic
• 1 ¼-inch piece of fresh ginger
• 1 fresh red chili
• 1 large knob of unsalted butter
• 1 teaspoon garam masala
• 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
• 2 tablespoons mango chutney
• ½ a pomegranate
• 1 bunch of fresh mint (1 oz)
• ¼ cup plain yogurt
• 4 soft rolls
• ¾ oz Bombay mix

Directions1. Scrub the potatoes and sweet potatoes and chop into ¾-inch chunks, cook in a large pan of boiling salted water for 10 minutes or until tender, then drain and steam dry. Peel the garlic and ginger, finely chop with the chili, and place in a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat with the butter, garam masala and mustard seeds. After 1 minute, tip and mash in the potatoes, then season to perfection with sea salt and black pepper. Keep frying until crispy, then mix up and allow to get crispy again. Divide roughly into 4 (still in the pan) , then use 2 spoons to crudely mold and shape into balls, patiently frying and turning until kind of rounded, really golden and crispy all over (trust me, these are amazing!).
2. Spoon the mango chutney into a bowl, squeeze in enough pomegranate juice to loosen, then mix together with a handful of the pomegranate seeds. Whiz the mint leaves in a blender with the yogurt until smooth. Split the rolls open and lightly toast on the inside and roughly crush the Bombay mix.
3. Spoon a dollop of mint yogurt onto each bun base, top with a hot potato ball, a little mango chutney and Bombay mic, pop the lid on and squash.
As another option, these are also great torn into a chapati with a mixed chopped salad and a squeeze of lemon juice for an Indian-style wrap.

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