Liberal super PAC goes after the GOP ‘Young Guns'

ByABC News
August 2, 2012, 12:24 PM

— -- A liberal super PAC released opposition research documents on 30 Republican congressional candidates Thursday, focusing on the GOP's "Young Guns" program, which promotes new candidates running for House seats.

American Bridge 21st Century launched a website to host the documents, slamming the group as " GOP Young Duds," which includes research memos on each of the candidates compiled in a 122-page research book.

"This year's so called 'young guns' are the most overhyped, under-performing individuals House Republicans have produced since, well, the original Young Guns," said American Bridge President Rodell Mollineau. "As voters become familiar with their records, it will become clear that these individuals have no right serving in the United States Congress."

The Young Guns program was started in 2007 through the National Republican Congressional Committee by Reps. Eric Cantor of Virginia, Kevin McCarthy of California and Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. Young Guns Action Fund, a super PAC formed by former Cantor aides as a support network, was established earlier this year.

American Bridge recently released hundreds of pages of research on three of Mitt Romney's prospective vice presidential contenders. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee have also made similar documents public on House candidates.