Mitt Romney moves to dispel rumors about who is and isn't being vetted for VP

ByABC News
June 19, 2012, 1:53 PM

— -- Responding to a question about an ABC News report in which unnamed sources said Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is not vetting Florida Sen. Marco Rubio for the VP slot, Romney dispelled speculation about who he is or isn't considering for the job.

"I get a kick out of some of the speculation that goes on," Romney told conservative commentator Sean Hannity in an interview that will air Tuesday night on Fox News Channel. "I am not going to comment on the process of course, but I can tell you this: Only Beth Myers and I know who is being vetted."

Myers is Romney's longtime aide who is heading up the search for his running mate.

Of course, if the vetting process has begun, and the campaign has reached out to some of the candidates for information, then they--and possibly some members of their staff--would have knowledge about the process.