Obama discusses July 4, London Olympics, with national security team

ByABC News
June 29, 2012, 5:53 PM

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President Barack Obama huddled late Thursday with his national security team to discuss precautions ahead of July 4 th and the upcoming Summer Olympic Games in London, the White House says.

"The President directed all to ensure we are doing everything possible to keep the American people safe and to continue close cooperation on the Olympics with our British counterparts," National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said in an emailed statement on Friday.

The meeting came as Britain's The Telegraph newspaper reported that authorities there had arrested two Muslim converts on suspicion of plotting an attack against the canoeing venue for the games.

The White House announced one week ago that First Lady Michelle Obama would lead the American delegation to the opening ceremony of the games.

Authorities are aware that the athletic competition could present a tempting target — and have deployed vast resources to thwart a potential attack. The Associated Press recently took a look at some of the precautions and noted: "Not since World War II have Britain and the United States teamed up for such a massive security operation on British soil."