New Romney ad attacks Obama's ‘dishonest campaign'

ByABC News
July 12, 2012, 9:24 AM

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Mitt Romney is out with a new television ad that again uses Hillary Clinton to attack what his campaign describes as President Barack Obama's "dishonest campaign."

Similar to Romney's last ad, the 30-second spot uses a clip of Clinton accusing Obama of false attacks during the 2008 campaign to illustrate the Romney campaign's claim that Obama is also lying about the GOP nominee's record. But the ad argues Obama's attacks are even worse now because of the office he holds.

"When a president doesn't tell the truth, how can we trust him to lead?" a narrator says, as text from a recent article debunking Obama's claim that Romney outsourced jobs overseas flashes on the screen.

The ad then shifts to footage of Clinton in 2008 angrily accusing Obama of distorting her record.

"Candidate Obama lied about Hillary Clinton," the narrator says, "but Americans expect more from a president."

The ad comes as the Romney campaign unveiled a new page on its website aimed at telling the "truth" about Romney's record. The move suggests a stronger pushback from Romney on Obama's claims after weeks of allowing Democratic attacks to go largely unanswered.

The Romney campaign declined to say how much it is spending on the ad or where it is airing. But a GOP source told CNN Wednesday the campaign purchased nearly $5 million in air time in eight key battleground states this week.