The Note's Sneak Peek

ByABC News
February 10, 2009, 8:39 AM

May 29, 2007— -- A couple of weeks after dining with Bill Clinton in New York under the watchful eye of Rush Limbaugh, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa endorses Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., at 6:30 pm ET Wednesday at UCLA's Krieger Center.


Making good on his promise to raise money for Clinton in addition to the money that he has already raised for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., Steven Spielberg hosts a fundraiser for the former first lady in Santa Monica after her Villaraigosa event. Earlier in the day, Clinton participates in a 2:30 pm ET town hall meeting in Las Vegas.

On Tuesday, Clinton promised to respond to the Supreme Court's decision on pay discrimination by introducing legislation which will "clarify congressional intent" on the issue.

One day after unveiling his health care plan in Iowa, Obama spends Wednesday in Chicago with no public events. Obama's plan -- which includes an unspecified mandate on employers who do not make a "meaningful contribution" to the health care of their employees but no individual mandate -- was criticized Tuesday by Edwards spokesperson Mark Kornblau who told ABC News' Jonathan Greenberger that it was "simply inadequate."

On Wednesday, former Sen. John Edwards D-N.C., becomes the latest candidate to visit Google's Mountain View, Calif., headquarters and to meet with its employees at 7:30 pm ET.