Republican Cancer Survivors Skip Lance Armstrong's Forum

ByABC News
January 8, 2009, 1:47 AM

August 27, 2007— -- With Roll Call's Larry Craig bombshell coming on top of the AG's bombshell resignation, it might be difficult for anything to breakthrough for a while. LINK

But Lance Armstrong will give it a try Tuesday.

The seven-time Tour de France champion holds the Republican portion of his cancer forum with GOPers Mike Huckabee and Sam Brownback in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Similar to Monday's event with Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Bill Richardson, Tuesday's 11:00 am ET event will feature questions from both Armstrong and MSNBC's Chris Matthews.

Notably absent from Tuesday's forum will be cancer survivors Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, and Fred Thompson.

While appearing Sunday on "Meet the Press," Armstrong took a shot at the absent cancer survivors, ". . . I'm not going to sugarcoat it: it's a disappointment when you can't show up or for whatever reason won't show up and discuss such a devastating illness, it is a disappointment, especially when you have such a close personal history."

Giuliani, McCain, and Thompson are not the only top Republicans skipping Armstrong's event.

Mitt Romney is also skipping Tuesday's forum.

Romney plans, however, to deliver 8:20 am ET remarks on cancer before the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation at the Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, Va.

After his cancer event in Virginia, Romney heads to Arizona for a fundraiser while his wife raises money in Nantucket.

Giuliani, the Republican '08er who issued the most pro-Gonzales statement Monday ("Judge Gonzales served his nation honorably and I wish him well in the next phase of his career") has no public events on Tuesday.

As for the Democrats...

Hillary Clinton, who stressed the importance of guaranteed issue by insurance companies in the cancer plan she announced Monday, spends her day in Chappaqua, N.Y.

In his forthcoming book, Bill Clinton says the health-care plan that his wife developed in the 1990s was "killed by politics, not the plan's particulars," per the AP's Beth Fouhy. LINK