The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

ByABC News
February 11, 2008, 8:49 AM

February 11, 2008— -- Republicans: McCain:

Newsweek's Eve Conant: "So Much for a Warm Welcome"LINK

New York Times' Paul Vitello and Michael Cooper: "Losses Signal Challenges for McCain"LINK

Politico's David Paul Kuhn: "Conservatives learn to live with McCain"LINK

Bloomberg's Holly Rosenkrantz: "Bush Says John McCain Is a `True Conservative'"LINK

Republicans: Huckabee:

Time's Michael Scherer: "Huckabee Seeks His Miracle"LINK

Newsweek's Howard Fineman: "'I'm Still In the Race'"LINK

Seattle Post Intelligencer: "Huckabee protests Washington caucus results"LINK

Associated Press: "Huckabee sees momentum, looks ahead"LINK

The Baltimore Sun's Tom Pelton: "Huckabee customizes speech"LINK

Democrats: Obama:

Associated Press: "Obama Defeats Clinton in Maine Caucuses"LINK

Newsweek's Andrew Romano: "He's One of Us Now"LINK

Associated Press: "Hispanics' Reluctance on Obama Highlights Black-Brown Divide"LINK

Times Picayune's Ed Anderson: "Obama win gives him 24 of state's delegates"LINK

Bloomberg's Kim Chipman: "Obama Drive Gets Inspiration From His White Mom Born in Kansas"LINK

The Boston Globe's Susan Milligan: "Obama sweeps; Huckabee is strong"LINK

Democrats: Clinton:

Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni and S.A. Miller: "Clinton replaces campaign chief"LINK

New York Sun's Josh Gerstein: "Clinton Is Bracing for a Last Stand"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas: "Clinton replaces campaign manager"LINK

Washington Post' Anne E. Kornblut and Dan Balz: "Clinton Replaces Top Aide Amid Losses"LINK

New York Daily News' Thomas M. DeFrank: "Meet Maggie Williams, Hillary Clinton's new campaign manager"LINK

The Washington Post's Anne E. Kornblut and Dan Balz: "Clinton Replaces Top Aide Amid Losses"LINK


New York Times' Katharine Q. Seelye: "Obama Wins in Maine; Clinton Replaces Her Campaign Manager"LINK

Washington Post: "Clinton, Obama Each Claim Footing To Push Shifting Va. Across the Aisle"LINK