The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

ByABC News
April 8, 2008, 8:21 AM

April 8, 2008— -- Must Reads:

New York Times' Elisabeth Bumiller: "With War in Senate Spotlight, Presidential Campaigns Converge in Washington"LINK

Washington Post's Karen DeYoung: "Congress To Hear Of Gains In Iraq"LINK

Republicans: McCain:

ABC News's Bret Hovell: "McCain Hauls in $15 Million In March"LINK

New York Times' Neela Banerjee: "For McCain, Little Talk of a Controversial Endorsement"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Johanna Neuman: "McCain stands firm on Iraq"LINK

Associated Press: "McCain: Democrats' stance on Iraq flawed"LINK

The Hill's Jeffrey Young: "Tauzin answered call for help from McCain"LINK

Democrats: Obama:

New York Times' Jan Hoffman: "Obama's Young Backers Twist Parents' Arms"LINK

USA Today's Dan Nakaso: "Obama's grandmother blazed trail"LINK

Bloomberg's Julianna Goldman: "Obama Confidante Jarrett Wields Clout of Campaign Inner Circle"LINK

The Indianapolis Star's Maureen Groppe: "Obama oil ad deemed 'a little too slick'"LINK

Democrats: Clinton:

New York Times' John Harwood and Jeff Zeleny: "Shift at Top May Mean Shift in Tone for Clinton"LINK

Washington Post's Eli Saslow: "Bill Clinton Visits Puerto Rico, Rich in Culture and Delegates"LINK

Politico's Eamon Javers: "HRC Colombia ties don't stop with Penn"LINK

Associated Press: "Clinton tale of Ohio woman part truth, part errors"LINK

Chicago Tribune's Andrew Zajac: "Talks not cheap for Clinton"LINK

Washington Times' S.A. Miller: "Clinton owes ex-strategist $2.5 million"LINK

Associated Press: "Clinton's tale part truth, part errors"LINK

The Indianapolis Star's Maureen Groppe: "Q&A: Clinton says she relates to Hoosiers' problems"LINK

Democrats: Pennsylvania:

New York Times: "Obama Gets Help in Pennsylvania"LINK

Associated Press: "Pa. voter registration nears record"LINK