Who's in the Democratic Veepstakes?

ABC News' Rick Klein breaks down the newsmakers in the vice presidential mix.

ByABC News
June 20, 2008, 8:46 AM

— -- With the battle for the Democratic nomination behind him, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., will turn his attention to choosing a running mate.

"The Note's" Rick Klein offers a running analysis of who's hot and who's not in the Democratic veepstakes.

To join the discussion, send ABC News a video explaining who you think Obama should choose for his second in command. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS

**Not a scientific poll. For entertainment only.

**Not a scientific poll. For entertainment only.

1. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.
 PROS: In a class for consideration by herself. Won almost as many votes and as many delegates as Obama. No one knows the presidency better. Would please millions of voters (many of them women) who wanted her at the top of the ticket. Ensures the help of the Clinton political machine.

CONS: Brings with her the baggage of the Clinton years. Unanswered questions about husband's financial entanglements. Sharp words exchanged by Clinton and Obama would be exploited by GOP. Could overshadow Obama. Obama could be portrayed as caving to pressure if he picks her.

2. Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del.
 PROS: Brings immediate heft, as a veteran member of Congress and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A skilled debater, could play attack dog or policy wonk with equal flair.

CONS: His mouth has gotten him into trouble before, as when he praised Obama as \"clean\" and \"articulate,\" and with a plagiarism charge that helped end his 1988 campaign. Adding a second senator to the ticket could conflict with \"change\" message. Delaware is solidly Democratic without Biden's help.

3. Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, D-Kan.
 PROS: Strong Obama supporter who also happens to be a woman. Popular red-state Democratic governor -- and daughter of a former Ohio governor -- enhances unity message. Plays up Obama's Kansas roots.

CONS: Untested on the national stage, with no foreign-policy experience. Democrats are highly unlikely to hold a chance in Kansas. Hasn't wowed observers in turns on national stage.

4. Gov. Bill Richardson, D-N.M.
 PROS: Has one of the deepest resumes in the business, as a former member of Congress and Cabinet secretary. Deep foreign-policy experience, as UN ambassador. Could help outreach to Latino voters. Provided key endorsement to Obama after dropping own campaign.

CONS: Has a reputation for gaffes and unpredictability on the trail. Wen Ho Lee scandal marred his tenure as energy secretary.

5. Former Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga.
 PROS: Four terms in Senate and national profile on national security and nuclear non-proliferation could bring heft and credibility to Obama. Experienced lawmaker with deep ties on both sides of the aisle. Has remained active in public life after leaving Congress. Endorsed Obama in April.

CONS: Home state of Georgia is unlikely to be in play. Age (he'll be 70 on Election Day) could provide jarring contrast with Obama. Hasn't run for office since 1990. Mistrusted by some in gay community because of former opposition to lifting ban on gays serving in the military.

 PROS: Retired Army general and NATO commander would give Obama foreign-policy and military credibility. Career spent separate from politics would strengthen Obama's outside-of-Washington theme. Could strengthen ties to Clinton wing of the party.

CONS: Ran a lackluster presidential campaign of his own in 2004. Far closer to Obama's former rival -- Clinton -- than he is to Obama.

7. Gov. Tim Kaine, D-Va.
 PROS: A popular governor of a Southern state could fit with Obama's message, and help make inroads in new battleground states. Virginia is perhaps the No. 1 state on Obama's target list.

CONS: Remains mostly untested on the national stage mid-way through a single term as governor. His stated \"faith-based\" opposition to abortion could be problematic for some Democrats.

8. Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind.
 PROS: Popular former governor and senator of a red state. Moderate politics could bring independents into Obama's fold. Could put his home state of Indiana in play. A possible bridge to Clinton supporters.

CONS: A light legislative record for a two-term senator. Worked on Clinton's behalf in Indiana, helping her secure a late victory in the primary. Would mean two senators on one ticket.

9. Retired Gen. James Jones
 PROS: Enjoys an a political reputation as former Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Marine commandant. Has worked extensively on national security and energy issues.

CONS: Big question mark as a campaigner, since he's never run for office before. Enjoys close relationship to Obama's opponent, Sen. John McCain.

10. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.
 PROS: Could help outreach to female voters. Would enhance Obama's image as a fresh voice, with added benefit of representing a swing state. Early and important Obama supporter in the primaries.

CONS: Light legislative resume. A second freshman senator on the ticket may not be ideal for Obama. May not help reach Clinton supporters, given McCaskill's strong work on Obama's behalf.

 PROS: No one is more experienced in running for vice president. Could bring working-class white males to Obama's side. Ran a respectable third in Democratic race, with strong populist message.

CONS: Bad memories of his 2004 run on John Kerry's ticket are shared by Edwards. May not help Obama shed elite image. Less interested in the job than most, since he's been there and done that.

12. Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va.
 PROS: Former Reagan administration Navy secretary has strong appeal among working-class voters. Military background balances Obama's lack thereof. Could help Obama in Virginia, a state being targeted by Democrats this year. Former Republican would help Obama appeal to all types of voters.

CONS: Unpredictable and sometimes prickly as a campaigner. Battled allegations of misogynistic views during 2006 Senate run. Has less Senate experience than Obama. Sympathetic attitude toward Confederacy could be problematic.

13. Former Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D.
 PROS: A political mentor to Obama. As Senate Democratic leader, well-schooled in ways of Washington, and well-liked by Democrats and Republicans.

CONS: Turning to a consummate insider could hurt Obama's efforts to paint himself as an outsider. Daschle's home state is solidly Republican at the presidential level. Remains a polarizing figure from his time as Senate majority leader, and could mobilize the right.

14. Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I.
 PROS: Serious-minded West Point graduate is respected on military affairs. Brings heft without flash. Well regarded among Democrats and Republicans.

CONS: Unlikely to assume attack-dog role with relish. Brings nothing to the ticket geographically. Unassuming personality with little national profile.

15. Gov. Ed Rendell, D-Pa.
 PROS: Governor of a swing state that's critical to Obama's prospects. Has strong ground organization. Popular, entertaining presence on the campaign trail.

CONS: Sometimes too frank for his own good. Has fretted openly about Obama's ability to win Pennsylvania, citing his race. Was an aggressive advocate for Clinton in the primaries.

 PROS: Hispanic lawmaker from a part of the country that holds great promise for Democrats. Former attorney general buffs up criminal-justice credentials.

CONS: Moderate voting record has angered some liberals. Joined the Senate in same class as Obama, leaving him little record to run on.

17. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.
 PROS: Elected repeatedly statewide in the nation's largest swing state. Centrist Democrat who has enjoyed electoral success in a state that's leaned Republican of late. Former astronaut serves on intelligence and armed-services committee.

CONS: Even Nelson may not be enough to help Obama win Florida. Little national profile. Clashed with Obama camp over seating of Florida's convention delegates.

18. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, I-N.Y.
 PROS: Message of a new kind of politics melds well with Obama's. Can solve any fundraising woes with his own wallet. Would be a blow to McCain's efforts to reach out to moderates and independents.

CONS: Could make Obama appear more like a Northeastern liberal while adding nothing geographically to the ticket. Despised by gun-rights groups. Support for gay marriage leaves him out-of-step with Obama. Elected twice as mayor as a Republican, and is closer personally to McCain than to Obama.

19. Retired Gen. Colin Powell
 PROS: Would fit with Obama's unity theme. Well-respected military man brings national-security heft.

CONS: A Republican who remains closely tied to President Bush's decision to invade Iraq. Two black men on the ticket would double the number of barriers to be broken. Has shied away from running on a national ticket in the past. Could also be considered by McCain.

20. Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb.
 PROS: Choosing a Republican could send a powerful unity message. Vietnam veteran would provide military credentials to the ticket. Serious, sober demeanor.

CONS: Despite his breaks with the Bush administration, remains a social and fiscal conservative. Democratic base could balk at his selection.

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