'Bill Clinton' in Drag Pushes Hillary Clinton for President

Appearances by "Clinton" drew big crowds and lots of laughs, creator says.

ByABC News
March 19, 2015, 10:43 AM
An actor dressed as BIll Clinton appears in a video posted online as a part of a grassroots campaign.
An actor dressed as BIll Clinton appears in a video posted online as a part of a grassroots campaign.

— -- An ad campaign gaining traction online aims to send Bill Clinton back to the White House -- as his wife Hillary Clinton’s “first lady.”

A video shows male actors dressed in a giant Bill Clinton head alternating between a red dress and an American-flag bikini and posing with Hillary Clinton supporters calling on her to run for president in 2016.

The video shows the "Bill Clinton" meeting supporters around the country, stopping by New York’s Times Square, landmarks in Washington, D.C., Miami’s South Beach and the Ohio State University campus.

“They always say it: ‘Hillary wore the pants,’” says the narrator in his best Bill Clinton impression. “Now, I’m wearing the dress.”

A note at the end says the video is paid for by BillForFirstLady2016.com PAC, and a website selling related swag says the political action committee is backed by “a national online grassroots movement of young Americans” supporting a Hillary Clinton presidential run. Visitors can sign a petition calling for a Clinton campaign, too.

“The enthusiasm is hashtag cray-cray,” fake Bill Clinton says in the video.

An actor dressed as BIll Clinton appears in a video posted online as a part of a grassroots campaign.

Another video on the site shows young girls talking about the importance of putting a woman in the White House -- using somewhat vulgar language -- and a “White House Wonder Woman: President Hillary” comic strip depicts a red dress-wearing Bill Clinton saying, “Put Hillary in the White House ... I’m, like, totes homesick!!”

Democratic activist Luke Montgomery is behind the campaign, which plans to send the dress-wearing "Bill Clinton" to Ohio, New Hampshire and other states if Clinton announces she’s running. Montgomery backed last year’s viral “Potty-Mouthed Princesses” videos of young girls promoting equality while dropping f-bombs, and has pushed similar social media campaigns in favor of gay rights and other liberal social issues.

“What we want to do, basically, is create a pop-culture icon,” Montgomery told ABC News, who said Clinton in drag drew big crowds and lots of laughs.

“Everybody wanted a selfie with him,” he said.

An actor dressed as BIll Clinton appears in a video posted online as a part of a grassroots campaign.