Democratic Primary Results: The Latest

Clinton won the Mississippi primary.

ByABC News
March 8, 2016, 11:04 PM

— -- The polls have closed for the Mississippi and Michigan Democratic primaries.

Here's the latest news and below are the full Democratic results.

The Latest News:

  • ABC News projects Bernie Sanders will win the Michigan Democratic primary, based on vote analysis.
  • ABC News projects Hillary Clinton will win the Mississippi Democratic primary, based on exit poll data.

    Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton speaks during a rally at Cuyahoga Community College, March 8, 2016, in Cleveland.
    Tony Dejak/AP Photo

    ABC News projects Clinton will win the Mississippi Democratic primary, based on exit poll data.

    Support from white voters, black voters and women helped the former secretary of state sail to victory in Mississippi, according to preliminary exit poll results.

    Clinton did fairly well with white voters and young voters -- two groups that Sanders usually does well with. She beat Sanders by a narrow margin among white voters and ran even with Sanders among voters under 30.

    Clinton garnered overwhelming backing from the state's majority black electorate and women. Black voters accounted for six in 10 Mississippi Democratic primary voters and Clinton won nearly nine in 10 of their votes. She won women by a 4-1 margin. Nearly twice as many voters in the Magnolia State trust Clinton rather than Sanders to handle race relations.


    Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. acknowledges his supporters on arrival at a campaign rally, March 8, 2016, in Miami.
    Alan Diaz/AP Photo

    ABC News projects Sanders will win the Michigan Democratic primary, based on vote analysis.

    Delivering a stunning upset to Clinton, Sanders eked out a win in Michigan. With about 97 percent of the vote in Michigan accounted for tonight, Sanders won 50 percent of the vote with Clinton closely trailing at 48 percent. The Vermont senator rode a wave of support from white voters, who made up seven in 10 primary voters, and voters under 45, who backed Sanders 2-1, to victory in the Wolverine State. Sanders also won Independent voters by 70-28 percent.

    "I am grateful to the people of Michigan for defying the pundits and pollsters and giving us their support," Sanders wrote in a statement. "This is a critically important night."

    The statement goes on to read: "Not only is Michigan the gateway to the rest of the industrial Midwest, the results there show that we are a national campaign."

    Polling in the state leading up to the primaries showed a win for Clinton. A NBC/WSJ/ Marist poll released Sunday in Michigan had shown Clinton with 17 point lead over Sanders.

    Before results showed his projected win in the Michigan Democratic primary, Sanders acknowledged he was in the "midst of a very tight race," but toted the night as "fantastic" and "enormously successful."

    "This has been a fantastic night in Michigan. We are very grateful for all of the support that we have gotten from this state," Sanders said in a press conference thrown together last minute in Miami, Florida.

    Sanders also thanked his "thousands of volunteers" in Michigan who "created this kind of enormously successful night for us."

    Meanwhile, Clinton held a rally in Cleveland, Ohio, but she did not mention the Michigan primary (or the Mississippi primary) in her speech.

    The ABC News Analysis Desk contributed to this report.

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