Elizabeth Warren's response to same-sex marriage question goes viral

Warren's interaction quickly went viral.

October 11, 2019, 10:20 AM

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren ignited the internet Thursday night with her quip on how she would respond to a person who thinks marriage is just between a man and a woman.

"Well I'm going to assume it's a guy who said that and I'm gonna say, 'Then just marry one woman,'" Warren said with a shrug. "I'm cool with that."

She briefly paused before adding, "Assuming you can find one."

The Massachusetts senator's remarks were in response to a question from Morgan Cox, chair of the Human Rights Campaign Board of Directors, at a CNN LGBTQ Town Hall.

Cox asked Warren how she would respond to a supporter who told her, "Senator, I'm old fashioned and my faith teaches me that a marriage is between one man and one woman."

Democratic presidential hopeful Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren gestures as she speaks during a town hall devoted to LGBTQ issues hosted by CNN and the Human rights Campaign Foundation at The Novo in Los Angeles, Oct. 10, 2019.
Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images

Warren's answer was met with raucous laughter and applause.

The interaction quickly made its rounds on the internet, with one tweet of the video being shared nearly 40,000 times.