Fact Check Friday: Trump on 'law and order' and protests

Trump campaigned this week as a "law and order" president.

September 4, 2020, 10:10 AM

Washington, D.C. -- The president has made "law and order" a central theme of his reelection pitch.

As his outgoing counselor Kellyanne Conway said this week, the White House believes the president stands to benefit politically from the unrest in American cities.

Portland, Oregon, marked 100 straight days of protests this week and Kenosha, Wisconsin, has experienced both peaceful protests and deadly violence in the wake of the Jacob Blake police shooting.

But as the president makes his case, he and his administration are getting many of the facts wrong, often in ways that could stoke political and racial division, and in some cases might actually be counterproductive to efforts to keep law and order on the ground.

Welcome back to Fact Check Friday.

President Donald Trump speaks to the press as he tours an area affected by civil unrest in Kenosha, Wis., Sept. 1, 2020, as John Rode(C), the former owner of Rode's Camera Shop looks on holding a sign.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

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