James Corden: 'Could you imagine liking Trump for his personality?'

The late-night host bashed Trump after the Stormy Daniels interview.

March 27, 2018, 1:24 AM

CBS late-night host James Corden had plenty of fun with the Stormy Daniels interview a night after it aired on "60 Minutes."

The "Late Late Show" host played a clip of Anderson Cooper asking whether she was physically attracted to President Donald Trump. She responded "no" immediately.

"I believe her," Corden said. "She couldn't say 'no' fast enough."

PHOTO: Stormy Daniels, an adult film star and director whose real name is Stephanie Clifford is interviewed by Anderson Cooper of CBS News' 60 Minutes program in early March 2018.
Stormy Daniels, an adult film star and director whose real name is Stephanie Clifford is interviewed by Anderson Cooper of CBS News' 60 Minutes program in early March 2018.
CBS via Getty Images

Corden pondered what else could've drawn the porn star, who alleges she had sex with Trump over a decade ago, to the current president.

"Could you imagine liking Trump for his personality?" Corden joked.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, detailed her dalliance with Trump in 2006 in an interview which aired on Sunday. The interview drew 22 million viewers in the overnight ratings, according to Nielsen Media Research.

"For many men, it was the first time they'd watched Stormy Daniels without having to delete their browser history," Corden said.

Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, teased the ratings-obsessed Trump with a dig on Twitter Monday.

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