Impeachment article has 200 cosponsors: US rep.

The draft, citing "incitement of insurrection," could be introduced Monday.

Last Updated: January 7, 2021, 12:38 PM EST

President Donald Trump is slated to hand over control of the White House to President-elect Joe Biden in 11 days.

Jan 07, 2021, 12:38 PM EST

White House withdraws DHS official's nomination, says it doesn't have to do with his call for Trump to condemn violence

Soon after acting Department of Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf issued a statement calling on Trump to condemn Wednesday's violence, the White House said that his nomination to be DHS secretary had been withdrawn from the Senate.

But a White House spokesman said the withdrawal took place Wednesday and had nothing to do with Wolf's statement Thurdsay.

“The withdrawal occurred yesterday and was not related at all to Wednesday’s events or the Acting Secretary’s comments this morning," White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere said. "Acting Secretary Wolf remains the acting secretary and continues to perform the duties of his office."

PHOTO: Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf is interviewed by ABC News, in Feb. 202.
Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf is interviewed by ABC News, in Feb. 2020.

Wolf is currently on a flight back from the Middle East, according to a person familiar with his whereabouts.

Wolf's nomination was only sent to the Senate on Sunday, the same day the new Congress was sworn in. He had previously been nominated in September.

-ABC News' Ben Gittleson and Luke Barr

Jan 07, 2021, 12:36 PM EST

Romney puts out lengthy statement on divided nation

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, came out with a lengthy statement Thursday morning analyzing the various divisions in the country and urging a unified path forward. 

Romney writes that factors including leadership, the media, social media, the downfall of communities and others "have combined to threaten" the success of the founders' vision for the country. 

"Most disappointing of all, too many political figures have stoked these divisions. Demagogues on the left scapegoat the rich; demagogues on the right scapegoat the immigrant. They each scapegoat the other," he writes. 

Romney said when selecting elected officials it is important to consider their character. He's looking for someone who "calls upon our better angels"

"Today when I vote, I pay as much attention to the character of the candidate as I do to their policies. If we choose leaders who inflame resentment and division, our nation will be angry and divided. We have a choice to make: Would we rather have our “side” win to punish the “other side” or would we rather have our nation united?"

-ABC News' Allison Pecorin

Jan 07, 2021, 12:30 PM EST

Federal charges against some rioters expected Thursday

“Yesterday, our Nation watched in disbelief as a mob breached the Capitol Building and required federal and local law enforcement to help restore order. The Department of Justice is committed to ensuring that those responsible for this attack on our Government and the rule of law face the full consequences of their actions under the law," Rosen said in a statement, noting law enforcement officials are working with the public to gather evidence.  

"Some participants in yesterday’s violence will be charged today, and we will continue to methodically assess evidence, charge crimes and make arrests in the coming days and weeks to ensure that those responsible are held accountable under the law," he added.

A protester is seen hanging from the balcony in the Senate Chamber, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C., as congress held a joint session today to ratify President-elect Joe Biden's 306-232 Electoral College win over President Donald Trump.
Win McNamee/Getty Images
PHOTO: Police officers in riot gear line up as protesters gather on the U.S. Capitol Building, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.
Police officers in riot gear line up as protesters gather on the U.S. Capitol Building, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C., after Trump supporters entered the U.S. Capitol building during demonstrations as a joint session Congress was to ratify President-elect Joe Biden's 306-232 Electoral College win.
Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

A law enforcement official confirms to ABC News that thus far at least a dozen individuals involved in Wednesday's violence are already expected to face charges and that list will grow significantly as more are identified. 

-ABC News' Alexander Mallin

Jan 07, 2021, 11:55 AM EST

Schumer calls for immediate removal of Trump from office

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has called for the immediate removal of President Trump from office. 

He said in a statement Thursday morning the "quickest and most effective" way to do this would be through use of the 25th Amendment but that if Vice President Mike Pence and the Cabinet don't act, Congress should reconvene to impeach the president. 

“What happened at the U.S. Capitol yesterday was an insurrection against the United States, incited by the president. This president should not hold office one day longer," Schumer said in the statement.

“The quickest and most effective way - it can be done today - to remove this president from office would be for the Vice President to immediately invoke the 25th amendment. If the Vice President and the Cabinet refuse to stand up, Congress should reconvene to impeach the president," he said.

PHOTO: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Capitol Hill, Jan. 6, 2021.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Capitol Hill, Jan. 6, 2021. Congress held a joint session today to ratify President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College win over President Donald Trump when a pro-Trump mob broke into the Capitol earlier, disrupting proceedings.
Win Mcnamee/Getty Images

There have been discussions among some members of Trump's Cabinet and his allies over invoking the 25th Amendment, multiple sources with direct knowledge of the discussions told ABC News.

-ABC News' Allison Pecorin

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