Biden won't predict the end of COVID-19, has hope for the future
Members of the audience continued to ask about vaccinations and how to manage fear for those who are immune-compromised and still don't qualify for early vaccination.
"The states make the decisions on who is in what order. I can make recommendations -- and for federal programs, I can do that, as president of the United States -- but I can't tell the state 'you must move such and such a group of people up,'" he said.
Biden was also asked when Americans can expect things to get back to normal, but said he was cautioned by health officials not to make a prediction. He said that he has hope that the end is near.
"I don't want to over promise anything here. I told you when I ran and when I got elected, I will always level with you. But it matters. It matters whether you continue to wear that mask. It matters whether you continue to socially distance. It matters whether you wash your hands with hot water. It -- those things matter. They matter. And that can save a lot of lives while we're getting to this point where we get to herd immunity."