Midterm campaign live updates: GOP's Cheney endorses Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan for Senate

ABC News is reporting on campaign developments in key states across the U.S.

The 2022 campaign is shaping up to be a historic, decisive moment in American politics.

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Republican Rep. Liz Cheney endorses Ohio Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Tim Ryan

Rep. Liz Cheney, who was ousted from office this year in Wyoming after voting to impeach former President Donald Trump, has endorsed Rep. Tim Ryan in his senate bid in Ohio, the latest Democrat to garner Cheney's endorsement, the first being Rep. Elissa Slotkin, whom the Wyoming representative is planning to stump for at a campaign event later this evening in Lansing, Michigan.

This new Democratic endorsement was first reported by .

Cheney said during an appearance at Cleveland State University today that members of her party should reject Ryan's opponent J.D. Vance and other candidates who support Trump's unproven claims about voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election.

When asked by PBS Newshour anchor Judy Woodruff whether Cheney would run for president on 2024, she didn't deny she was considering it.

"I think the most important question is whether we as a nation are going to do what we have to do to preserve the republic," said Cheney.

"That's really what I'm focused on."

–ABC News' Paulina Tam

Biden to travel San Diego on Thursday for endangered House Democrat Rep. Mike Levin

The White House said Tuesday afternoon that President Joe Biden will travel to San Diego on Thursday to support Rep. Mike Levin's reelection efforts to represent California's 49th Congressional District, which encompasses parts of San Diego and Orange County.

The two-term incumbent Democrat is locked in a tight rematch race against Republican Bryan Maryott.

Biden's trip comes as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced its final round of "Red Alert" candidates -- or Democratic incumbents and candidates who need "immediate resources."

Levin topped the list.

Levin defeated Republican Diane Harkey by more than 13 points in 2018, and then by 7 points against Maryott in 2020. The district has now turned slightly more Republican through redistricting.

Arizona Libertarian Senate candidate drops out of race, throws support to GOP nominee Blake Masters

Arizona's Libertarian Senate candidate Marc Victor dropped out of the race on Tuesday, putting his support behind Blake Masters, the Republican nominee.

His move, made a week ahead of Election Day, gives Trump-backed Masters a further boost as Victor's candidacy was forecasted to split off some of the Republican vote in the race to unseat incumbent Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly.

Victor told ABC News in a written statement Tuesday that Blake Masters approached him, agreeing to the Libertarian's offer to both his opponents on "why it was in the interests of freedom, peace, and civility for me to step down and endorse either of them." Their taped conversation "impressed" the Libertarian, Victor said, prompting him to drop out.

"I publicly offered to meet with either Mark Kelly or Blake Masters to have an unscripted discussion about why it was in the interests of freedom, peace, and civility for me to step down and endorse either of them," Victor told ABC News.

"Blake Masters availed himself of that opportunity yesterday, and we had a public conversation where I asked him whatever I wanted. I was impressed with Blake Masters and his commitment to being a Live and Let Live Senator from Arizona," Victor told ABC.

In the [,]() Victor said this decision to drop out one week before Election Day will make some people "very upset" and others "very happy."

Masters responded to the new support in a campaign press release.

"Marc Victor joins a growing list of Arizonans from across the political spectrum who are fed up with open borders, big government corruption, and rising crime. We are building a broad coalition to defeat the worst Senator in America. This is another major boost of momentum as we consolidate our support against the extreme and radical policies of Mark Kelly and Joe Biden. Live and Let Live," Masters said.

Victor will still be on the ballot, but any votes cast for him will not be tabulated, according to a spokesperson at the secretary of state's office.

--ABC News' Libby Cathey

Fetterman gives first interview after post-stroke debate

Amid post-stroke challenges that were on full display in a debate Tuesday night, John Fetterman is still running for the U.S. Senate out of “love of my state” and “love of my nation,” the Pennsylvania Democrat said on Thursday in his first interview since the debate.

“I think the direction that we could go in if we don’t have -- step up and fight for that, as well too,” Fetterman told Javier Palomarez, president of the United States Hispanic Business Council, which hosted a pre-planned virtual town hall with the candidate.

“If anyone has any question, you know, I always show up, I always lean in, and I always make sure to,” Fetterman told Palomarez, alluding to the scrutiny over his health both before and after the debate, when his auditory and language issues caused him to repeatedly struggle to answer questions on stage.

Over the course of Thursday’s roughly 35-minute interview, which took place on Zoom with closed captioning, Fetterman was asked about policy issues that might affect Hispanic business owners rather than about his debate performance.

Fetterman was asked to clarify his stance on hydraulic fracking, an issue about which he has made contradicting statements.

“I absolutely would support fracking, and I have,” he told Palomarez when asked about previously calling the industry “a stain on Pennsylvania.”

Fetterman said his previous opposition to fracking was borne from environmental concerns but that the war in Ukraine makes it an essential part of the state’s economy.

The United States Hispanic Business Council will host a similar town hall with Fetterman’s opponent, Republican Mehmet Oz, on Friday afternoon.

-- ABC News' Will McDuffie

Warren heading to Wisconsin for early voting rally with Evers

Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is expected to campaign on Oct. 26 for Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes and state Attorney General Josh Kaul in what is the latest appearance by a prominent Democrat to rally voters weeks before the high-stakes midterms.

The events with Warren, first reported by ABC News, will also feature Wisconsin's Democratic senator, Tammy Baldwin.

Baldwin, Evers, Kaul and Warren will host an early voting event focused on young people near the campus of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, according to the Wisconsin Democratic Party.

Baldwin and Kaul are expected to walk with a group of students to an early voting location to cast their ballots.

Barnes is in a tight race to defeat incumbent Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican.

Polling shows that Evers is in a toss-up race, too, against Republican challenger Tim Michels, with the latest FiveThirtyEight average showing Evers with less than 1% lead.

In a statement to ABC News, the Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler said: "This election is deadlocked, and no one can sit this out. If Wisconsin students turn out to show the GOP they won’t let them trample on their rights, Democrats will win up and down the ballot. Senator Warren is an electrifying voice who will bring her incomparable energy and vision to mobilize Wisconsin students at exactly the moment it’s needed most."

In her own statement, Warren said, "Voters in Wisconsin know what is at stake in this election. Wisconsinites have the opportunity to vote for [Senate nominee] Mandela Barnes, Tony Evers, and Democrats all the way down the ballot who will fight to restore a woman’s right to choose, to bring down costs, to build an economy that works for all of us, and to attack the climate crisis head on. I’m proud to join them in this critical fight."

Warren joins a growing list of big-name Democrats -- including former President Barack Obama -- to hit the trail in various battleground states before Election Day.

They hope to counter the history of rough midterm elections for the party in power, plus major headwinds like high inflation, in part by focusing on Republican-backed restrictions on abortion and the extremism of some of the GOP nominees.

When asked by reporters after a gubernatorial debate on Friday whether former President Donald Trump planned to stump for the Republican ticket in Wisconsin, Brian Fraley, a communications specialist for the Michels campaign, said they would notify the press if such an event was scheduled.

Fraley said then that Obama coming to Milwaukee was a "sign" that the Evers campaign was "in trouble" because "they're calling in all the big dogs."

-- ABC News' Cheyenne Haslett and Paulina Tam