The 7 Luckiest and Unluckiest Freshman Members of Congress

New members test their luck in the Congressional Office Lottery.

ByABC News
November 20, 2014, 2:41 PM

— -- It’s not every day you spot suits doing backflips in the halls of the U.S. House of Representatives.

But this week, the rules were different.

The 57 new members of the 114th Congress, gathered in a Capitol committee room to draw numbers for Congressional Office Lottery, needed all the luck they could get.

“There’s a direct correlation between the number you drew and demonstrations of something that brings luck to you,” House Building Superintendent Bill Weidemeyer told fledgling members.

Rep.-Elect Gwen Graham, D-Fla., wasn’t leaving anything to chance.

She asked her chief-of-staff’s husband, Paul Woodward, to do a lucky backflip in the aisle before she reached her hand into the box to pick a numbered button that would determine the location of her office for the next two years.

Those with the lowest numbers pick their office space first and can choose some envy-creating digs. Those with high numbers choose their office space last when only some pretty cramped rooms with views of ventilation vents are left as options.


Rep-Elect Gwen Graham,Number: 6

Woodward’s stunt apparently worked. Graham drew pick number six.

“It was a last minute decision. We just – the room seemed like a fun room, and Gwen was like, will you do a back flip? I’m like, ‘sure.’” Woodward told ABC.

“I was worried about his safety,” Graham chimed in. “I can barely do a forward roll.”

Representative-elect Gwen Graham supporter Paul Woodward performs a back flip during a member-elect room lottery draw on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 19, 2014.
Representative-elect Gwen Graham raises her arms in jubilation after picking a favorable number in the office assignment lottery on Nov. 19, 2014, on Capitol Hill in Washington.

She eventually selected Longworth 1213, an ancillary office building located just south of the Capitol.

Rep-Elect Steve Knight, Number: 1

Despite his refusal to bust a move, Rep-Elect Steve Knight, R-Calif, drew number one, netting himself a highly-coveted office in the Longworth building.

Rep-Elect Will Hurd, Number: 18

Former CIA agent Rep.-Elect Will Hurd, R-Texas, snagged a hidden gem: Cannon 317, an office former president John F. Kennedy occupied during his time in the House.

“I think every office in these buildings has a unique history. When you think about some of the legends and characters that have walked these halls, you know, it's interesting to know our names are going to be added in that footnote,” he said.

But for the Republican congressman, utility was more important than sentimentality.

“I think as long as it has internet connection and some desks, we'll be ready,” he said.

But he wasn’t the only one who had his eye on JFK’s office….


Rep. Elect Debbie Dingell, Number: 40

Rep.-Elect Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., who in January will replace her husband, retiring Rep. John Dingell, the U.S. House’s longest serving member, was itching to claim the JFK office.

“I am somebody that believes in rituals and traditions and has some sentimentality,” she told ABC. “But I’ll never get it.”

She was right. Dingell ended up in Cannon 116.

Rep.-Elect Debbie Dingell reacts after drawing the 40th pick in the room lottery draw for the incoming members of the 114th Congress on Nov. 19, 2014.

In her new workspace, the Michigan Democrat says, she’ll likely use her husband’s desk. It also belonged to his father, former Rep. John Dingell Sr., a newspaperman who served in the House for 22 years.

“If I could have the desk that the man who authored Social Security and the man who sat in the chair and helped author Medicare and the Civil Rights Act, maybe it’ll inspire and help me to do good things while I’m here," Dingell said.

Rep-Elect Rick Allen,Number: 50

Rep-Elect Richard Allen, R-Ga., the second new lawmaker to choose a button, refused to dance.

He’s probably regretting it right about now.

“Mr. Allen did not dance and he drew number 50 [out of 57]. Just saying," Weidemeyer quipped, as Allen hung his head.

“As I’ve told folks when I first started working here, I worked in House Annex Two. So any office in the people’s house is a fabulous office to be working in,” Comstock told ABC.

Rep-Elect Brad Ashford, Number: 11

Rep-Elect Brad Ashford, D-Neb., drew a fairly good number 11 despite being late to the selection and being bumped to be the last person to draw a button.

Ashford reportedly joked that his lateness was “sort of nonpartisan gesture to my new colleagues.”

“In the end, I feel good about it, since it’s fine. It’s so incredibly unimportant to me, so I was glad the others got their picks,” he told The Hill.

ABC’s Jeff Zeleny, John Parkinson, Ali Dukakis and Kirsten Appleton contributed to this report.