The Note: What To Expect From Candidate Bobby Jindal

ByABC News
June 25, 2015, 8:31 AM


--IT'S OFFICIAL -- BOBBY JINDAL IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT: Onstage at his kickoff rally outside New Orleans yesterday afternoon, the Louisiana governor bashed Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush while setting himself up as a protector of religious liberty and conservative values, ABC's CHRIS GOOD and KATHERINE FAULDERS report. "You've heard Jeb Bush say we need to be willing to lose the primary in order to win the general election," Jindal said of his rival. "We're gonna help him do that." A day after Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton spent over an hour discussing race and inequality at a church near Ferguson, Mo., Jindal accused her of divisiveness. "Hillary Clinton's always trying to divide us by ethnicity, by gender, by economic status," Jindal said. "I'm sick and tired of people dividing Americans." A social conservative, Jindal portrayed Christian faith and values as coming under attack from liberals--a staple of his speeches at political events this year. "There are millions of Americans who believe in God and are not ashamed to say so," he told the crowd in Louisiana.

--THE MAN AND THE MESSAGE: The Louisiana governor's message throughout his campaign, according to aides, will be that Jindal is the youngest candidate with the longest resume. He will argue that Clinton and President Obama are leading America to socialism. "The guy in the White House today, he's a great talker," Jindal said yesterday. "We have a bunch of great talkers running for president. We've had enough of talkers; it's time for a doer." The 13th Republican officially seeking the White House in 2016, Jindal is the first Indian-American to enter a presidential race as a contender for a major party's nomination.

--HE ENTERS THE RACE AS A SIGNIFICANT LONGSHOT: He hasn't surpassed one percent in a major national poll since April.


--HAPPENING TODAY: Fresh off his announcement, Jindal will attend a "Politics & Eggs" event at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College in Manchester at 12 pm ET.

--ANALYSIS -- ABC's RICK KLEIN: The latest signs of Bern-mentum are in polling from Bloomberg Politics and St. Anselm's showing Bernie Sanders a mere 32 points behind Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire and only 26 points in Iowa. Let that sink in. If a single poll had any Republican up by 10 points, as opposed to 32 or 26, what would be said of that poll? That's not to say a Sanders surge isn't real or isn't newsworthy. It is to say that any realistic assessment of who will actually be the Democratic nominee has to acknowledge there's nothing in public polling to suggest it be anyone other than Hillary Clinton. One solid takeaway from the polls is that anybody-but-Clinton sentiments are coalescing early on behind Sanders. Martin O'Malley may be better positioned in the long run to see a boost from that, but it sure isn't happening yet.

TODAY ON THE TRAIL with ABC's CHRIS GOOD: Marco Rubio will be in New Hampshire, where he'll hold a series of town halls in Exeter, Derry and Manchester. Ben Carson will be in Iowa, where he'll meet with the Lyon County GOP in Rock Rapids, hold a meet & greet at Fruited Plain Cafe in Sioux Center, tour Quattro Composites facilities in Orange City at 12 pm ET, hold a meet & greet at a community center in Missouri Valley at 4:30 pm ET, and meet/appear with the state Senate minority leader at Pizza King in Council Bluffs at 6 pm ET. Rick Santorum will be in Iowa, where he'll visit and tour Mahle Engine Components in Atlantic at 12:30 pm ET, visit and tour World Cal in Elk Horn at 2 pm ET, tour and visit Liberty Labs in Kimballton at 3 pm ET, and hold a meet & greet/fundraiser at Bella Terre in Glenwood at 7:30 pm ET. Mike Huckabee will be in Iowa, where he'll hold a "Main Street American Family Breakfast" at Dinky Diner in Decatur City at 8:30 am ET, a "Main Street American Family Luncheon" at Breadaeux Pizza in Corydon at 12:30 pm ET, and a "Main Street American Family BBQ" at Good Ol' Smoke House in Chariton at 3:30 pm ET. He'll appear at a Marion County GOP candidate forum in Pella at 8:15 pm ET. George Pataki will be in New Hampshire, where he'll attend a Contootook GOP breakfast in Henniker at 7:30 am ET, be interviewed by Kilmeade & Friends (Fox radio) at 9:30 am ET, visit the Windham Fire Dept. in Windham at 11:15 am ET, and attend a lunch with local business owners in Windham at 11:45 am ET.


NEW FROM EMILY'S LIST: "THE SCOTT WALKER PLAYBOOK," Emily's List Vice President for Communications penned an Op-Ed on Here's an excerpt: "Fresh off an interview where he talked about the "coolness" of mandatory ultrasound photos -- and just after revealing his eagerness to pass one of the most extreme abortion bans in the country -- Scott Walker has been bragging to Republicans about his winning strategy for defeating women candidates. And he's said he's willing to pass on his playbook to anyone else who might need it. In fact, he said Republicans should "transfer" his strategy to the race in 2016, "whether it's me or somebody else." So, let's take a look at Scott Walker's playbook for winning women voters and see how he breaks it all down. For starters, Scott Walker wants voters to know he has a home court advantage when it comes to running against candidates like Hillary Clinton. That's because, one time, he "ran against a woman" and won! All women candidates are exactly the same, and Scott Walker's strategy to defeat them works every time!"


WHERE THE CONFEDERATE FLAG IS BEING TAKEN DOWN ACROSS THE COUNTRY. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's call for the Confederate flag to be removed from the statehouse grounds there in light of a horrific shooting in Charleston, South Carolina by a white supremacist set off a chain reaction among other Southern leaders asking for symbols of the Confederacy to be removed from official life in their states. Here's a list of other places where Confederate symbols and imagery have been removed, or are in question, courtesy of ABC's ALI WEINBERG:

OBAMA TOSSES HECKLER FROM LGBT EVENT: 'YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE'. President Obama had a heckler tossed from a White House reception in celebration of LGBT pride month yetserday after the woman refused to stop interrupting the president, ABC's ARLETTE SAENZ and JORDYN PHELPS note. "Listen, you're in my house," Obama said, to the applause of the crowd, within the first couple of minutes of the event. The heckler, Jennicet Gutierrez, who is transgender and undocumented, had been shouting claims about bad detention conditions for LGBTQ immigrants in the United States. "No, no, it's not respectful when you get invited to somebody's," Obama said, again being interrupted by the heckler before he could finish his sentence. "You're not going to get a good response by interrupting me like this." Persisting still to heckle the president, Obama then said "shame on you" and gestured to a security official, asking "can we escort this person out?"

--BACKSTORY: Gutierrez, 29, from Los Angeles, who is a founding member of the LGBTQ Latina advocacy group Familia TQLM did not cease and was removed from the East Room. Gutierrez told ABC News she wanted the president to help the LGBT undocumented immigrants who are currently detained and allegedly facing abuse in detention centers. She expressed her surprise by the president's reaction to her protesting. "He had an opportunity to listen to what I had to say and handle it differently, and that's just so heartbreaking. I'm just so shocked by the lack of leadership and concern he showed to my community," Gutierrez said. "I have no words to describe the rage I feel, and it's a sign of how much work we have to do."

OBAMA 'UPDATES' HOSTAGE POLICY: 'FAMILIES HAVE SUFFERED ENOUGH'. President Obama yesterday said the U.S. government is "changing the way [it] does business" when it comes to American hostage policy in the wake of the deaths of Americans at the hands of terrorists, including a promise not to threaten families of hostages with prosecution for attempting to pay ransoms, ABC's BRIAN ROSS and JAMES GORDON MEEK report. "These families have already suffered enough, and they should never feel ignored or victimized by their own government," Obama said from the White House. "No family of an American hostage has ever been prosecuted for paying a ransom in return for their loved ones. The last thing we should ever do is to add to a family's pain with threats like that." Obama said that families of some of the 80 Americans who have been held hostage around the world since 9/11 told him directly that they felt "frustrated" by the government, how they felt "lost in the bureaucracy" and threatened for "exploring certain options" to bring their loved ones home --- an apparent reference to threats over ransom payments. The president said the shift does not change the U.S. government's policy of never itself paying ransoms or granting concessions to hostage-takers.

--NOTED: Over 30 Americans are currently being held abroad by various groups, including terrorists, cartels and criminals, White House Assistant for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco said yesterday.

THE MOST IMPORTANT 2016 STORY YOU MISSED YESTERDAY: NO STRAW POLL? NO PROBLEM. Iowa is still holding its annual state fair this August -- a traditional venue for presidential candidates to get up on their soapbox, mingle with voters and stuff themselves with fried things on sticks. Yesterday fair officials announced a smorgasbord of new items including: Super Chill Beer, Deep Fried Nacho Balls, Golden Fried Peanut Butter & Jelly on a Stick and -- drumroll, please -- something called the Ultimate Bacon Explosion (described as: "pure ground brisket, diced jalapenos, a few onions, infused with a pepper cheese, all wrapped in bacon, and served with a sweet and spicy chili glaze.") Which candidate will be the first to try it?


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