Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal Do Small Talk in Washington

It was just two guys talking politics, or maybe there's more to it.

ByABC News
December 4, 2014, 12:03 AM

— -- Potential 2016 presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal ran into each other at the Foreign Policy Initiative’s day-long forum Wednesday in Washington, and ABC News caught part of the exchange on camera.

The Republicans talked about the U.S. Senate runoff in Louisiana between Democratic incumbent Mary Landrieu and Republican Bill Cassidy, and Cruz wished Jindal luck as he went off to the stage.

It was just two guys talking politics – except they might be trying to prevent the other from getting the Republican nomination soon.

Here’s a transcript of their exchange:

CRUZ: So your term is up next year?

JINDAL: Yeah. Our election is in November. We still got one more election on Saturday. We’re going to get you a Republican…

CRUZ: The numbers look good though, I’m encouraged by it.

JINDAL: He’s up by 14, 16 points.

CRUZ: So he should win.

JINDAL: Right now it’s just turnout.

CRUZ: It’s just turnout. That’s the whole game.

JINDAL: She snuck by us in ’02 [inaudible]

CRUZ: Go break a leg.

JINDAL: Great to see you again.