A Timeline of Donald Trump's Whirlwind Day

The GOP presidential nominee had an Aug. 1 to remember.

ByABC News
August 2, 2016, 4:56 PM

— -- Donald Trump’s August has gotten off to an eventful start. The Republican presidential nominee spent the first day of the month making headlines across the nation. Here’s a look at his newsworthy 16 hours Monday:

7:10 AM

After a weekend of criticism for his comments about Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan, Donald Trump fires back early Monday morning.

7:15 AM

Khizr Khan responds to Trump.

“He should listen to what America and the world is telling about the remarks, about the lack of empathy,” Khan said on CNN’s “New Day.” “Donald Trump needs to sit with his advisers and portray to this world that he is empathetic.”

7:30 AM

Trump takes to Twitter again, this time in an attempt to shift the focus away from the Khans.

2:42 PM - 2:47 PM

Trump unleashes a flurry of tweets directed at CNN. He accuses the network he has previously derided as the “Clinton News Network” of working as “the press shop for Hillary Clinton.”

3:07 PM

Trump calls an unscheduled press gaggle before his event in Columbus, Ohio, to denounce the local fire marshal.

“I just want to tell you we’ve had thousands of people outside, thousands, they were turned away by, for political reasons, purely political reasons,” Trump said to the assembled press corps. “The fire marshal said he’s not allowed to allow any more, even though the building holds many thousands of people.”

.@realDonaldTrump tells press that rally crowd in Columbus, OH was limited "for political reasons."https://t.co/YEvP05Zs73

ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 1, 2016

The Columbus Division of Fire disputed his accusation, telling ABC News that Trump’s team was aware of the capacity restrictions when they reserved the space.

3:36 PM

Speaking at his event in Columbus, Trump attempts to clarify the comments he made about Crimea to ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos.

“I said very simply they're not going to do it on my watch, essentially,” he explains, referring to his comments about Russia’s sending forces into Ukraine during any Trump presidency. Despite criticism, he said he was aware that Russia had sent forces into Crimea “two years ago approximately.”

3:45 PM

Trump says that if he loses in November, it’s a sign that the election was manipulated.

.@realDonaldTrump on general election: "I'm afraid the election's going to be rigged." https://t.co/F2UOyMpR6F https://t.co/kWyyUUhEKx

ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 1, 2016

“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged. I have to be honest. Because I think my side was rigged,” Trump said. “If I didn’t win by massive landslides--I mean think of what we won in New York, Indiana, California 78 percent. That’s with other people in the race, but think of it.”

5:30 PM

Trump’s comments about sexual harassment in a USA Today article begin causing a stir.

In the piece by Kristen Powers, Trump’s defense of his friend Roger Ailes, who was forced out of Fox News after allegations of years sexual harassment, came under fire. Powers asked Trump how he would respond if his daughter Ivanka were sexually harassed in her workplace.

“I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case,” he said.

Powers fires back, writing in her piece “most women don’t have the financial resources of Ivanka. They can’t afford to quit their job without another in hand.”

“Most importantly, why should a woman be expected to upend her career just because she ended up in the crosshairs of some harasser?” she asks.

6:51 PM

At a town hall in Nevada, Catherine Byrne, the mother of a soldier, asks vice presidential candidate Mike Pence how, as a military father himself, he can tolerate Trump’s remarks.

“Time and time again Trump has disrespected our nation’s armed forces and veterans and has disrespect for Mr. Khan and his family is just an example of that,” Byrne said, receiving boos from the crowd. “Will there ever be a point in time when you’re able to look Trump in the eye and tell him enough is enough?”

.@mike_pence rebuts crowd booing military mom for criticizing Trump: "Folks, that's what freedom sounds like." https://t.co/o8vQbSn3Oo

ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 2, 2016

Pence stood up for his running mate, saying of Trump, “I have never spent time with someone more devoted to the armed forces of this country, more devoted to the families of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marine and Coast Guard and no one more devoted to the veterans in this country.”

7:25 PM

Trump tweets a thank you to Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen, presumably for Nehlen’s defense of Trump over his comments about the Khan family.

The bigger story is that Nehlen is challenging Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district’s Republican primary, signaling growing discord between Trump and Ryan, the two biggest names in the Republican Party.

7:35 PM

8:09 PM

News breaks that Trump has fired senior adviser Ed Brookover and western regional political director Jimmy Stracner.

Brookover, who previously worked as Ben Carson’s campaign manager, served as a liaison between the campaign and the Republican National Committee. He was also a part of the team that organized the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

8:23 PM

During a rally in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, Trump calls Hillary Clinton “the devil,” while accusing Bernie Sanders of making a deal with her.

.@realDonaldTrump calls Hillary Clinton "the devil" https://t.co/xHZuG7a0He https://t.co/8F9I4ktAPQ

ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 2, 2016

“If [Sanders] would’ve just not done anything, just go home, go to sleep, relax, he would’ve been a hero,” Trump said. “But he made a deal with the devil. She’s the devil. He made a deal with the devil. It’s true.”

8:53 PM

Ryan’s campaign spokesman Zack Roday provides a statement responding to Trump’s tweet thanking Nehlen:

"Rather than engage in a back-and-forth, the Speaker is going to remain focused entirely on ensuring we deliver strong Republican majorities this fall."

9:30 PM

The New York Times releases a story detailing Trump’s draft deferments during the Vietnam War. Trump received four deferments for education as he attended college and a fifth for heel spurs.

The article counters Trump’s prior claims that a favorable draft number kept him out of Vietnam. The Times refers to a spokesman for the Selective Service system who claims that “because of his medical exemption, his lottery number would have been irrelevant.”

10:08 PM

Trump’s appearance on FOX News’ Hannity airs. Trump sets his sights on the second media outlet of the day: The New York Times.

“I call it the failing New York Times,” he said to host Sean Hannity. “They don't write good. They don't know how to write good.”

Trump concludes his condemnation of the publication by calling it “just absolutely a disaster.”

10:21 PM

Trump on Hannity reiterates earlier comments regarding his feeling that the election is going to be rigged.

“I’ve been hearing about it for a long time. And I just hope that there’s really -- I hope the Republicans get out there and watch very closely,” said Trump. He also added that he believed the Democratic primary was rigged against Bernie Sanders before turning again to the general election.

“I'm telling you, November 8th, we'd better be careful, because that election is going to be rigged,” Trump said. “And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it's going to be taken away from us.”

10:22 PM

Trump is pictured with a piece of KFC chicken aboard his plane as he departs Pennsylvania. Commenters point out that he appears ready to eat with a fork and knife rather than with his hands.

The Columbus Division of Fire disputed his accusation, telling ABC News that Trump’s team was aware of the capacity restrictions when they reserved the space.

3:36 PM

Speaking at his event in Columbus, Trump attempts to clarify the comments he made about Crimea to ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos.

“I said very simply they're not going to do it on my watch, essentially,” he explains, referring to his comments about Russia’s sending forces into Ukraine during any Trump presidency. Despite criticism, he said he was aware that Russia had sent forces into Crimea “two years ago approximately.”

3:45 PM

Trump says that if he loses in November, it’s a sign that the election was manipulated.

.@realDonaldTrump on general election: "I'm afraid the election's going to be rigged." https://t.co/F2UOyMpR6F https://t.co/kWyyUUhEKx

— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 1, 2016

“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged. I have to be honest. Because I think my side was rigged,” Trump said. “If I didn’t win by massive landslides--I mean think of what we won in New York, Indiana, California 78 percent. That’s with other people in the race, but think of it.”

5:30 PM

Trump’s comments about sexual harassment in a USA Today article begin causing a stir.

In the piece by Kristen Powers, Trump’s defense of his friend Roger Ailes, who was forced out of Fox News after allegations of years sexual harassment, came under fire. Powers asked Trump how he would respond if his daughter Ivanka were sexually harassed in her workplace.

“I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case,” he said.

Powers fires back, writing in her piece “most women don’t have the financial resources of Ivanka. They can’t afford to quit their job without another in hand.”

“Most importantly, why should a woman be expected to upend her career just because she ended up in the crosshairs of some harasser?” she asks.

6:51 PM

At a town hall in Nevada, Catherine Byrne, the mother of a soldier, asks vice presidential candidate Mike Pence how, as a military father himself, he can tolerate Trump’s remarks.

“Time and time again Trump has disrespected our nation’s armed forces and veterans and has disrespect for Mr. Khan and his family is just an example of that,” Byrne said, receiving boos from the crowd. “Will there ever be a point in time when you’re able to look Trump in the eye and tell him enough is enough?”

.@mike_pence rebuts crowd booing military mom for criticizing Trump: "Folks, that's what freedom sounds like." https://t.co/o8vQbSn3Oo

— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 2, 2016

Pence stood up for his running mate, saying of Trump, “I have never spent time with someone more devoted to the armed forces of this country, more devoted to the families of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marine and Coast Guard and no one more devoted to the veterans in this country.”

7:25 PM

Trump tweets a thank you to Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen, presumably for Nehlen’s defense of Trump over his comments about the Khan family.

The bigger story is that Nehlen is challenging Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district’s Republican primary, signaling growing discord between Trump and Ryan, the two biggest names in the Republican Party.

7:35 PM

8:09 PM

News breaks that Trump has fired senior adviser Ed Brookover and western regional political director Jimmy Stracner.

Brookover, who previously worked as Ben Carson’s campaign manager, served as a liaison between the campaign and the Republican National Committee. He was also a part of the team that organized the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

8:23 PM

During a rally in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, Trump calls Hillary Clinton “the devil,” while accusing Bernie Sanders of making a deal with her.

.@realDonaldTrump calls Hillary Clinton "the devil" https://t.co/xHZuG7a0He https://t.co/8F9I4ktAPQ

— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 2, 2016

“If [Sanders] would’ve just not done anything, just go home, go to sleep, relax, he would’ve been a hero,” Trump said. “But he made a deal with the devil. She’s the devil. He made a deal with the devil. It’s true.”

8:53 PM

Ryan’s campaign spokesman Zack Roday provides a statement responding to Trump’s tweet thanking Nehlen:

\"Rather than engage in a back-and-forth, the Speaker is going to remain focused entirely on ensuring we deliver strong Republican majorities this fall.\"

9:30 PM

The New York Times releases a story detailing Trump’s draft deferments during the Vietnam War. Trump received four deferments for education as he attended college and a fifth for heel spurs.

The article counters Trump’s prior claims that a favorable draft number kept him out of Vietnam. The Times refers to a spokesman for the Selective Service system who claims that “because of his medical exemption, his lottery number would have been irrelevant.”

10:08 PM

Trump’s appearance on FOX News’ Hannity airs. Trump sets his sights on the second media outlet of the day: The New York Times.

“I call it the failing New York Times,” he said to host Sean Hannity. “They don't write good. They don't know how to write good.”

Trump concludes his condemnation of the publication by calling it “just absolutely a disaster.”

10:21 PM

Trump on Hannity reiterates earlier comments regarding his feeling that the election is going to be rigged.

“I’ve been hearing about it for a long time. And I just hope that there’s really -- I hope the Republicans get out there and watch very closely,” said Trump. He also added that he believed the Democratic primary was rigged against Bernie Sanders before turning again to the general election.

“I'm telling you, November 8th, we'd better be careful, because that election is going to be rigged,” Trump said. “And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it's going to be taken away from us.”

10:22 PM

Trump is pictured with a piece of KFC chicken aboard his plane as he departs Pennsylvania. Commenters point out that he appears ready to eat with a fork and knife rather than with his hands.

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