Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe jabs at Democrats for pursuing 'shiny objects'

Clear battle lines are being draw in the Democratic presidential primary.

July 31, 2019, 6:21 PM

The first night of the second Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday uncovered more divisions within the party between the left-wing, pushing for proposals like “Medicare-for-all” and the “Green New Deal,” and more moderate Democrats who believe policies that are “too far left” will hand the general election to Donald Trump once again.

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, author of the new book "Beyond Charlottesville: Taking a Stand Against White Nationalism," expressed worry about the topics discussed during the presidential primary debates, and the stances of some candidates on the left.

“I have been concerned in the debates,” McAuliffe said during the "Powerhouse Politics" podcast on Wednesday with ABC News’s Political Director Rick Klein and Deputy Political Director MaryAlice Parks. “You know, I don't hear any discussion of K-12 education, no real discussion of workforce development, no discussion of infrastructure, no discussion of cybersecurity.”

Turning to the Democratic front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden, who will take the debate stage Wednesday night, McAuliffe warned “he needs to be very careful” and “can't necessarily go attack other programs,” citing Tuesday’s debate where moderate candidates went after the proposals of Sanders and Warren to no avail.

Former US Vice President Joe Biden gestures as he holds a speech about his foreign policy vision for America on July 11, 2019 at the Graduate Center at City University New York City.
Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images

“I think he needs to say, ‘I understand where you're coming from on Medicare for All and the new Green Deal and other issues. But here's how I think the best way to get there. And here's the best way to do it for America that will benefit Americans the most.’”

McAuliffe added that “toughness is a big piece of this business,” and that Biden has “got to be tough” in order to redeem himself from the last debate and secure the nomination.

“To be president of the United States you deal with a lot of challenges,” McAuliffe said. “Joe Biden has to go out there and show he's tough enough and he has experience to handle these calamities that are going to come. They're going to affect every president.”

Powerhouse Politics podcast is a weekly program that posts every Wednesday, and includes headliner interviews and in-depth looks at the people and events shaping U.S. politics. Powerhouse Politics podcast is hosted by ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl and ABC News Political Director Rick Klein.

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