Abducted by Aliens: Believers Tell Their Stories

"Experiencers" say extraterrestrials abducted them and haunt their lives.

ByABC News
August 14, 2009, 3:22 PM

Aug. 17, 2009— -- In a small New England town, members of a support group, which boasts a growing membership of 1,500, gather for a "secret" meeting.

"I wanna let you know that you're not alone," the group leader begins.

Twin sisters Audrey and Debbie, who have asked that their last name and hometown be withheld, have also come a long way to share their experiences.

"It was a long, tiresome battle," Audrey said. "It's impacted my life tremendously. I'm still in therapy."

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The group that's assembled for this meeting is not struggling with alcohol, drugs, sex addition or gambling. They're part of Starborn, an alien experience and awareness support group, catering to those who say they've been abducted by aliens.

Many people have wondered: are earthlings living on a speck of dust -- alone in the infinite universe or are there other intelligent life forms out there in the cosmos?

Nearly half of all Americans and millions more globally believe we're not alone, according to a 2000 ABC poll. While 40 million Americans say they have seen or know someone who has seen an unidentified flying object, or UFO, a growing number believe they've actually met aliens.

Audrey and Debbie not only said that aliens exist, but that they've made contact with them. The twins said it started when they were young.

"I was probably about 5 years old or so ... and a bright blue light would come in to the room and the door would open, and there would be like, a foggy kind of misty blue light, just shining through the whole house," Audrey said. "And these two figures would come in. There would be a tall one, they had black capes, but they were bald and had big eyes."

Audrey and her sister call their visitors "The Bald Men," but they're better known in UFO circles as "The Greys," a race of extraterrestrials, categorized by the grayish color of their skin.

The twins' first encounter with aliens, they say, came during childhood and continued into adulthood. They also believe they've been abducted together on the same spaceship -- only to compare stories afterwards.

"We have been together on abductions," Audrey said. "We have been up in crafts and seen our house from above. So we realized they are not from here. They are very good at mind erasing or whatever you want to call it. They'll leave you with bits and pieces of things you can remember. So we do remember certain things of being there together."

When asked why aliens would continue to abduct them together, the twins had no explanation.

"That's the question I always ask myself," Debbie said. "A lot of times I'll wake up in tears saying, 'Why me? Why me? Why can't this happen to somebody else.'"

Terrell Copeland, a former U.S. Marine, traveled the farthest to attend the "secret" meeting, driving 600 miles from rural Virginia. Copeland's foray into the paranormal began two years ago with a UFO sighting he said was captured on his cell phone from his apartment in downtown Suffolk, Va.

"It was an orb of light," he said. "Just a big ball of light. It wasn't moving. One was solid white. The other was directly across the street from it ... up 300 feet above ground and was changing colors very rapidly.

"This is ... this is not usual. Something's wrong here. Maybe I am in over my head. I'm not supposed to be looking at this stuff," Copeland, 27, who drives forklifts at a warehouse for a living, recalled thinking.

But after the video of what Copeland said he witnessed in the sky was posted on YouTube, he said a strange visitor came to his front door.

"I woke up from the nap by the sound of someone trying to enter my apartment," he said. "And I said, 'Who is it?' There was no answer. Still just, you know, you could see the door knob moving and like a scratching at the door. And I keep a firearm. It was on my table. And my thought was to get up and check.

"I was in complete paralysis. The only things I could move were my eyes. And I heard a voice through the door say, 'You don't need that weapon. We won't harm.'"

Soon after, Copeland said he started experiencing what he calls "missing time." During a span of two nights, Copeland said, he missed four hours -- not as a result of sleep.

\"I was probably about 5 years old or so ... and a bright blue light would come in to the room and the door would open, and there would be like, a foggy kind of misty blue light, just shining through the whole house,\" Audrey said. \"And these two figures would come in. There would be a tall one, they had black capes, but they were bald and had big eyes.\"

Audrey and her sister call their visitors \"The Bald Men,\" but they're better known in UFO circles as \"The Greys,\" a race of extraterrestrials, categorized by the grayish color of their skin.

The twins' first encounter with aliens, they say, came during childhood and continued into adulthood. They also believe they've been abducted together on the same spaceship -- only to compare stories afterwards.

\"We have been together on abductions,\" Audrey said. \"We have been up in crafts and seen our house from above. So we realized they are not from here. They are very good at mind erasing or whatever you want to call it. They'll leave you with bits and pieces of things you can remember. So we do remember certain things of being there together.\"

When asked why aliens would continue to abduct them together, the twins had no explanation.

\"That's the question I always ask myself,\" Debbie said. \"A lot of times I'll wake up in tears saying, 'Why me? Why me? Why can't this happen to somebody else.'\"

Terrell Copeland, a former U.S. Marine, traveled the farthest to attend the \"secret\" meeting, driving 600 miles from rural Virginia. Copeland's foray into the paranormal began two years ago with a UFO sighting he said was captured on his cell phone from his apartment in downtown Suffolk, Va.

\"It was an orb of light,\" he said. \"Just a big ball of light. It wasn't moving. One was solid white. The other was directly across the street from it ... up 300 feet above ground and was changing colors very rapidly.

\"This is ... this is not usual. Something's wrong here. Maybe I am in over my head. I'm not supposed to be looking at this stuff,\" Copeland, 27, who drives forklifts at a warehouse for a living, recalled thinking.

But after the video of what Copeland said he witnessed in the sky was posted on YouTube, he said a strange visitor came to his front door.

\"I woke up from the nap by the sound of someone trying to enter my apartment,\" he said. \"And I said, 'Who is it?' There was no answer. Still just, you know, you could see the door knob moving and like a scratching at the door. And I keep a firearm. It was on my table. And my thought was to get up and check.

\"I was in complete paralysis. The only things I could move were my eyes. And I heard a voice through the door say, 'You don't need that weapon. We won't harm.'\"

Soon after, Copeland said he started experiencing what he calls \"missing time.\" During a span of two nights, Copeland said, he missed four hours -- not as a result of sleep.

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