TechBytes: Cell Phones and Cancer

YouTube celebration, creative job hunting, robot marries couple.

ByABC News
May 17, 2010, 10:52 AM

May 17, 2010— -- A major study of the potential link between cell phones and brain cancer has proved inconclusive. The 10-year international study following almost 13,000 people found that most cell-phone use did not increase the risk of developing two kinds of brain cancer, although there were signs that using phones for more than 30 minutes a day could be harmful. The researchers admitted that their study had flaws and called for further investigation before drawing any conclusions.

The site that has given us piano playing cats and helped turn Susan Boyle into an international star is turning 5 this month. YouTube is celebrating its fifth birthday by announcing another major milestone: It is streaming more than 2 billion views a day. YouTube is also launching the "Five Year" channel today. It will host the "My YouTube Story" project, which features videos from people describing how the site has changed their lives.

A writer in the advertising industry used Google, a few bucks and a little luck to land himself a job. Alec Brownstein bought advertisements linked to the names of the top creative directors in New York. When they googled themselves, the top result was a message from Alec, asking for a job, with a link to his resume and portfolio. He created five ads, got four interviews and two job offers all for $6.

She may have been a blushing bride but it was someone else at the altar turning red and every color of the rainbow. For the first time ever, a wedding ceremony was conducted by a robot. Known as the I-Fairy, the 4-feet-tall humanoid with colorful flashing eyes and plastic pigtails led the couple through their vows and even instructed the groom to kiss the bride. The I-Fairy is not used to such fanfare: Its day job is directing museum visitors.