Geminids Meteor Shower Lights Up Skies

The light show happens every December.

ByABC News
December 14, 2014, 10:37 AM

— -- The Geminids meteor shower was on full display early this morning as some lucky stargazers caught the meteors streaking through the sky.

The shower happens every December when Earth glides into a stream of space debris left over from an extinct comet called 3200 Phaethon.

The meteor shower gets its name from the constellation Gemini. Meteors shoot out of the constellation, producing many fireballs.

The Geminids are older than the Civil War and were first documented in the early 19th century.

Steve Knight posted this photo to Instagram on Dec. 13, 2014 with the caption, "A lucky catch of a geminid tonight between the Pleiades and the Andromeda Galaxy avoiding the clouds."
Jake Henderson posted this image of Geminid meteor shower to Facebook on Dec. 14, 2014.
John Talbot posted this photo to Instagram on Dec. 13, 2014 with the caption, " captured a geminid whilst monitoring an asteroid occultation in Gemini! What are the chances of that?"