Transfer your data to the new iPad

ByABC News
March 23, 2012, 8:40 AM

— -- Q. After reading your coverage about the launch of the new iPad, I ordered a 4G version of the tablet. Now, I have a question. How can I transfer apps and other data from my iPad 2 to the new iPad when it arrives?

A. There are two ways — both easy — to transfer everything from your iPad 2 to the new iPad. If you're an iCloud user, the first step is to back up your iPad 2. Go to Settings>>iCloud>>Storage & Backup and choose Back Up Now. When you go through Setup Assistant on the new iPad, choose Restore from iCloud Backup. After the new iPad restarts, all your settings, apps, and content will appear. You can also backup and restore with iTunes. Plug your iPad 2 into the computer and open iTunes. It should sync automatically — click Sync if it doesn't. After the sync is complete, unplug the iPad 2 and plug in your new iPad. Choose the Restore from Backup option. All your settings and content will be restored.

Settings for multiple monitors

Q. I have a Windows 7 computer with an Nvidia GeForce 210 graphics card. I connected the card's HDMI port to my HDTV so I could watch streaming Internet shows. However, all I see on the TV is a blank desktop. What am I doing wrong?

A. That actually sounds like things are working fine. By default, Windows 7 extends the desktop to a second monitor rather than duplicating it, which is what you were expecting. Drag a program window to the right side of your computer's monitor to see what I mean. The window should appear on the TV. The upside to this is that you can drag the browser playing your video to your TV and make it full screen while still using your computer for other tasks. If you want to duplicate the display instead, right-click on the desktop and click Screen Resolution. Select your TV from the monitor icons and under Multiple Displays, choose Duplicate Displays. Hit Apply and the screens will switch to duplicate mode.

Protect your kids on the Internet

Q. I have two youngsters and a slew of digital gadgets at home — four PCs, one HP tablet, a Kindle Fire, and everybody has their own smartphone. I would like to configure my entire network to filter what sites the kids can visit. Can you help?

A. That's a big task! Fortunately, you can filter your entire network using your router and OpenDNS. OpenDNS replaces your Internet service provider's DNS system. You just need to tweak your router settings. OpenDNS management accounts are online so you can control the settings from any computer. It allows you to set categories of content to block, and even specific websites, too. It's a powerful service, and one I highly recommend. Best of all, it's free. For those who want a simpler system, OpenDNS has a sibling called FamilyShield. FamilyShield, also free, works the same way as OpenDNS, but it's pre-configured to block sites that most people find objectionable. You can usually just set it up and run it without any tweaking.

Organize your media collection

Q. I'm a media junkie with a huge collection of DVDs, CDs, Blu-rays, MP3s and video games. I want a program to help me catalog and organize my collection. Any ideas?