15 crazy potato chip flavors around the world

ByABC News
May 17, 2012, 5:27 AM

— -- Forget Cool Ranch (oddly, renamed "Cool American" in Iceland) or sour cream and onion—these chip flavors will make you crave a salty snack … or just cringe.

Bloody Mary

Now here's the kind of endorsement I like in a chip: "Won't get you drunk, but certainly hits the spot!" Pop open a bag of these chips from Devon, England, for breakfast—you may pack on the pounds but at least you'll be sparing your liver.

Prawn Cocktail

And here's a different kind of cocktail (you may know it as a shrimp cocktail), a seafood-themed one. Hugely popular in England, these chips are billed as "a crisp with a little bit of class" based on the fact that shrimp cocktails are what fancy people eat, we suppose.

Honey-Glazed Ham

Already thinking about what to make for next year's Easter dinner? Forget baking for hours—just open up a bag of honey-glazed ham chips for everyone. You'll have to head to Australia to pick up a pack of Smith's chips, though.


How do you improve on a product that's generally made out of a mix of mysterious beef parts? Distill that flavor down into a chip. The geniuses at Jumpy's chips (sold in Australia) have done just that, so bring a pack of these to a ball (cricket) game.

Hot Chili Squid

Do you like the taste of squid, but hate how the tentacles feel in your mouth? Lucky for you, Lay's has solved this problem by combining the tasty flavors of squid and chilies into a chip. Sorry Lay's American fans—these chips are sold in Thailand.


Thanks to the global magic of Amazon, you don't have to go all the way to Korea to get Octopus-flavored chips. Shaped like goldfish but tasting like octopus, Tako chips are sure to delight and confuse your tastebuds.

Onion Rings n' Ketchup Doritos

It's not often that Canada beats America at our obesity game, but they're edging ahead with Onion Rings n' Ketchup flavored Doritos. Considering that Doritos is an American company, it's practically a federal offense that we don't get this flavor stateside.

Chilli Chinese with Schezwan Sauce

India is really thinking outside the bag when it comes to potato chips. Lay's steps it up a notch in the snack food competition with their Chip-n-sauce pack—chips that come with a sauce packet inside. In this case, you'll get Chilli Chinese flavored chips with a Schezwan Sauce packet on the side.

Seaweed Pringles

Seaweed is a healthy super-food, so let's bastardize it by turning it into a chip. Disturbingly, these Pringles (found across Asia) are green, we guess to reiterate their "healthy" concept.

Beef and Onion

Now here's a chip flavor that will make your breath smell delightful: pickled onion. Hey, at least these chips are made in Ireland, a country that knows what to do with a potato.

Roast Chicken

Potato chip-crusted fried chicken is nothing new ( here's a recipe), but you can take it to the next level by using these Roast Chicken chips from the U.K. It's a chicken inside a chicken, and I shall call it the ChipChicken.

Smokey Bacon