Hey Harry Potter Fans, Turns Out You Can Stay at Hogwarts, Kind of
The Wizard Chamber at London’s Georgian House is full of wizardly goodness.

— -- Merlin’s beard! This hotel room gives a whole new meaning to "magical getaway."
If you’re hoping to channel Harry Potter on your next trip, the Wizard Chamber at London's Georgian House is full of wizardly goodness: from a "cauldron" by the fireplace, to an owl figurine by the bed, from old-fashioned luggage under the bed, to "potions" in the bathroom. Just BYOW -- bring your own wand.
Guests who book the Harry Potter Tour Package not only get to stay in the Wizard Chamber, but the package also includes breakfast, a Muggle Walking Tour, and a Warner Brothers Studio Tour on the making of Harry Potter.
Want a preview? We don’t have a magic mirror, but we DO have great photos: