Man Pulls Off Perfect Face Swaps With British Museum's Statues

Jack Marshall, 24, is taking being statuesque to a new level.

ByABC News
April 19, 2016, 3:24 PM
Jake Marshall, from Norwich, England, successfully face swapped with statues in the British Museum in London.
Jake Marshall, from Norwich, England, successfully face swapped with statues in the British Museum in London.
Courtesy Jake Marshall

— -- This man is redefining the word "statuesque."

Jake Marshall, from Norwich, England, is officially winning the face swapping game on social media with hilarious selfie face swaps, switching his face with those of ancient statues in London's British Museum.

Marshall, 24, didn't go to the museum with the intention of creating the face swap series. But once he was inside, he saw an opportunity to do something unusual.

“The idea sprung to mind half way around the exhibits,” he wrote to ABC News.

Jake Marshall, from Norwich, England, successfully face swapped with statues in the British Museum in London.
Courtesy Jake Marshall

But once he started, Marshall realized the challenge. Successfully setting up the face swaps wasn’t as easy as he makes it appear.

“They were all rather tricky to get, as I was being cautious not to touch the statues or inconvenience other museum goers,” he explained. “Fortunately, with it being first thing on a Monday morning, there weren't that many people."

Jake Marshall, from Norwich, England, successfully face swapped with statues in the British Museum in London.
Courtesy Jake Marshall

"Some of the statues were rather high," he said. "So getting the right distance and camera angle for the app to work proved difficult.”

Luckily for everyone on the internet, though, Marshall did complete the swaps with the historical sculptures and artifacts. He posted the entertaining series of photos to Reddit, where they have collected nearly 545,000 views.