Adorable kittens audition for police cat position in Michigan

Move over police dogs. The Troy Police Department is going to the cats.

Adorable kittens audition for police cat position in Michigan
April 6, 2018, 5:08 PM

Move over police dogs. The Troy Police Department in Michigan is going to the cats.

It all started last month when the department put out an all-points bulletin on Twitter hoping to reach 10,000 followers by April in order to get their own crime-fighting police cat, according to ABC Detroit affiliate WXYZ.

Just a week later, the department surpassed its goal and now has over 11,000 followers.

PHOTO: The Troy Police Department in Michigan put out an all-points bulletin on Twitter hoping to reach 10,000 followers by April in order to get their own crime-fighting police cat.
The Troy Police Department in Michigan put out an all-points bulletin on Twitter hoping to reach 10,000 followers by April in order to get their own crime-fighting police cat. Just a week later, the department surpassed its goal and now has over 11,000 followers.

Today, members of the local Humane Society brought five "purrfect" kittens to try out for the coveted position.

"The Humane Society has brought the best of the cats they have available for this position. We're looking at them for their temperament and their demeanor," Police Sgt. Megan Lehman told WXYZ.

PHOTO: The Troy Police Department in Michigan put out an all-points bulletin on Twitter hoping to reach 10,000 followers by April in order to get their own crime-fighting police cat.
The Troy Police Department in Michigan put out an all-points bulletin on Twitter hoping to reach 10,000 followers by April in order to get their own crime-fighting police cat. Just a week later, the department surpassed its goal and now has over 11,000 followers.

They, of course, had to pass a “pawsonality” background check. Any kittens in support of cat burglars didn’t make the cut.

The lucky feline chosen will act as a station mascot, spending time at the police department but also going home to live with one of the department's officers.

PHOTO: The Troy Police Department in Michigan put out an all-points bulletin on Twitter hoping to reach 10,000 followers by April in order to get their own crime-fighting police cat.
The Troy Police Department in Michigan put out an all-points bulletin on Twitter hoping to reach 10,000 followers by April in order to get their own crime-fighting police cat. Just a week later, the department surpassed its goal and now has over 11,000 followers.

“We are looking for a community outreach cat. They will also spend time posting on social media," added Lehman.

As for a name, police will likely take to social media for that too.

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