Boy hears live music for the 1st time thanks to cochlear implant

Jace, 4, was at a Dallas Mavericks game when drums moved him to dance.

ByABC News
January 16, 2018, 3:16 PM

— -- Sweet video captured the first time a young boy heard live music.

According to his parents, Brenda and Cody Lee, Jace Lee, 4, lost his hearing as a toddler and was classified as having severe to profound deafness by doctors. It's unclear what has caused his deafness, according to medical records provided to ABC News by doctors treating Jace.

He previously wore hearing aids in both ears, but a cochlear implant surgery in September in his left ear, where he suffers from auditory neuropathy, opened up all kinds of possibilities for him. He still wears an aid on his right ear.

Jace Lee, 4, got his cochlear implant in September.
Brenda Lee

On Jan. 9, he was attending his first Dallas Mavericks NBA game when he heard the beating of drums.

"We were walking out of the suite and he was just like, 'Oh, what's that?'" Cody Lee said.

"He tapped his processor and signed, 'Where's the sound?'" Brenda Lee said.

Jace Lee, 4, of North Texas, is classified as having severe to profound deafness. He has a cochlear implant in his left ear and a hearing aid in his right. On Jan. 9, he attended his first Dallas Mavericks NBA game.
Brenda Lee

The family followed Jace as he made his way down the hallway to find the source of the heart-stirring percussion played by the Mavericks' drumline. It was the very first time that Jace heard live music.

Excited by the scene and the new sounds bouncing through his implant, Jace started dancing, which was captured on video.

"It's just really great to see something that normally everybody else gets to experience with their kids," Brenda Lee said.

Jace's implant will be gradually turned up over the course of this year so he can adjust to the new sounds around him.

And, the Mavericks have invited him to a game next week, so he can continue communicating with the universal language of music.