Coast Guard Releases Video of 46-Person Bering Sea Rescue

There were no reports of any injuries.

ByABC News
July 27, 2016, 6:01 AM

— -- The U.S. Coast Guard released video this morning of the rescue of several dozen crew members from a capsizing fishing vessel located almost 700 miles from Alaskan shores.

Good Samaritan vessels reached the scene first and rescued 46 people Tuesday night. The crew had abandoned their sinking trawler in the frigid waters of the Bering Sea near Alaska's Aleutian Islands, said Coast Guard Petty Officer Lauren Steenson.

There were no reports of any injuries.

46 crew members abandoned a sinking fishing vessel in Alaska's Aleutian Islands on July 26, 2016.
U.S. Coast Guard

The video shows crew members being transferred from life rafts to nearby merchant ships.

"The 220-foot fishing vessel Alaska Juris began taking on water near Kiska Island," said Steenson. "All 46 crew members were transferred to good Samaritan vessels Spar Canis and Vienna Express to be transported to Adak, Alaska."

The ships then embarked on a 13-hour voyage to Adak, a port in the Aleutians.

Steenson said the cause of the vessel taking on water is under investigation.