Cam Newton Will Not Play This Weekend Following Car Accident

The Carolina Panthers coach confirmed that the quarterback will be out on Sunday

ByABC News
December 10, 2014, 2:29 PM

— -- NFL quarterback Cam Newton will not play in this weekend's game as a result of the injuries he sustained in Tuesday's car accident, Carolina Panthers' coach Ron Rivera said at a news conference this afternoon.

"It's going to be a week by week thing. We'll see how he is," Rivera said.

The Charlotte-Mecklenberg police report revealed that the 25-year-old's car flipped after he swerved to avoid a driver who didn't see him coming. Though Newton tried to swerve to avoid a crash, he was unable to stop from colliding.

Newton, who is a Heisman Trophy winner and was the first draft pick when he joined the NFL in 2011, was rushed to a local hospital and kept there overnight for observation. He was released this morning.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department released their report about the accident and included a graphic that shows how the driver in car number 1 did not see Newton approaching in car number 2, leading Newton’s car flip over.

Tests revealed he suffered two fractures in his lower back. The transverse process bones that were fractured are connected to the spine, and though the injury can be painful and effect mobility it does not necessarily lead to long term injury.

Rivera said that he spoke with Newton on Tuesday and said the player is "down" about missing out on Sunday's game than anything else.

N.C. Panthers quarterback Cam Newton has been taken to a hospital after being involved in an auto accident in Charlotte, Dec. 9, 2014.

"In true Cam fashion, he was disappointed for his teammates," Rivera said.

"He's very tough-minded, tough-willed young man and he wants to be back out here," he said.