Joyce Mitchell Arrested in Dannemora New York Prison Escape Case, Police Say
Joyce Mitchell was charged with helping Richard Matt and David Sweat escape.
— -- A prison worker was arrested Friday for helping two convicted murderers break out of an upstate New York prison, police said.
Joyce Mitchell, 51, of Dickson Center, provided "material support" to the prisoners, Richard Matt and David Sweat, police said at a news conference today.
Mitchell was charged with promoting prison contraband in the 1st degree -- a felony -- and criminal facilitation in the 4th degree -- a misdemeanor -- according to police.
Police would not comment on the details of Mitchell's arrest, but said other charges may be filed.
"Our interviews with Joyce Mitchell have been fruitful and productive," said Major Charles Guess of the New York State Police. "We're satisfied and we would not have charged her today if we were not satisfied with the productivity of those interviews."
Mitchell was picked up sometime after 5 p.m. by state troopers. She was arraigned at Plattsburgh City Court and held in lieu of $100,000 cash or $200,000 bond on the felony and $10,000 cash or $20,000 bond on the misdemeanor.
Wearing a green shirt and jeans, she looked to the ground when hearing the amount of the bail for the felony.
Clinton County Sheriff David Favro told ABC News he has been preparing all week for her arrival.
Mitchell could face a maximum of 8 years in prison. On Friday, she was also suspended without pay from her job at Clinton Correctional Facility, the state department of correction said.
"This is one large piece of the puzzle in our quest to find these two escaped murderers," Guess said. Authorities are still interviewing civilian personnel and certified staff members at Clinton Correctional Facility.
Police also said Friday evening there have been no confirmed sightings of the escaped inmates and no conclusive evidence that either of the convicted killers left the area.
"It's day six," Guess said. "If they have not escaped the area or they have not availed themselves of shelter, got to assume they're cold, wet, tired, and hungry. I would advise and remind the community and the residents that that makes these individuals even more dangerous and desperate."
"We have a message for David Sweat and Richard Matt," Guess said. "We're coming for you and we will not stop until you are caught."

Investigators determined that Mitchell did not give the convicted murderers the power tools that they are believed to have used to break out of the maximum security prison, according to Clinton County District Attorney Andrew Wylie.
"She brought contraband into the facility but I'm not going to get into what it was," Wylie said during a press briefing this morning.

Mitchell worked in the tailor shop of Clinton Correctional Facility and has spoken with investigators repeatedly since David Sweat and Richard Matt escaped early Saturday June 6.
Her level of cooperation with the authorities has grown over time, Wylie said.

Two sources confirmed to ABC News on Thursday that corrections officials had previously investigated whether Mitchell had a relationship with Sweat in the year before his escape, but ultimately there was not enough evidence to take any action against Mitchell.